Twitches Too: A Magical Sequel of Family, Adventure, and Discovery

“Twitches Too,” directed by Stuart Gillard, is the enchanting sequel to the popular Disney Channel Original Movie “Twitches.” Released in 2007, the film continues the magical journey of twin witches Alex (Tia Mowry-Hardrict) and Camryn (Tamera Mowry-Housley) as they navigate the challenges of their dual lives in both the mortal and magical realms. With a mix of family drama, fantasy, and adventure, “Twitches Too” offers a heartwarming and captivating experience for audiences of all ages. Despite its IMDb rating of 0.5/10, the film remains a beloved favorite among fans of the original movie.

Plot Overview:

The film opens in the mystical land of Coventry, where Queen Miranda (Kristen Wilson) is in King Aron’s study, reflecting on the recent battle against the forces of darkness. Alex and Camryn, now aware of their magical heritage and powers, have settled into their roles as princesses of Coventry. However, they also strive to lead normal lives in the mortal world.

Their newfound peace is disrupted when they receive startling news: their biological father, Aron, who they believed to be dead, may actually be alive and residing in New York. This revelation throws the sisters into a state of confusion and uncertainty. Determined to uncover the truth, Alex and Camryn set out on a quest to find their father and understand the mysteries surrounding his disappearance.

As they journey between the mortal world and Coventry, the twins face a series of challenges and obstacles. They must learn to balance their magical responsibilities with their everyday lives, all while grappling with their evolving relationship and the secrets of their past. Along the way, they encounter new allies and adversaries, each adding depth and intrigue to their adventure.

The film’s climax sees Alex and Camryn confronting dark forces once again, using their powers and newfound knowledge to protect Coventry and their loved ones. Through courage, determination, and the strength of their sisterly bond, the twins emerge victorious, ready to embrace their destinies and the family they are just beginning to understand.

Themes and Messages:

“Twitches Too” delves into themes of family, identity, and the power of unity. The film explores the sisters’ journey of self-discovery as they navigate the complexities of their dual lives. The revelation about their father serves as a catalyst for the twins to delve deeper into their heritage, understand their true selves, and embrace their roles as protectors of Coventry.

The film also highlights the importance of family bonds and unconditional love. Alex and Camryn’s relationship is central to the narrative, emphasizing the strength that comes from standing together and supporting one another. Their journey reinforces the idea that family is not just about blood ties but also about the connections and love that bind people together.

Additionally, “Twitches Too” addresses the theme of balancing different aspects of one’s life. The sisters’ struggle to manage their magical duties and mortal lives mirrors the challenges that many people face in juggling various responsibilities. The film encourages viewers to find harmony between different facets of their lives and to stay true to themselves amidst the pressures of external expectations.

Cinematic Elements:

Stuart Gillard’s direction brings a sense of wonder and excitement to “Twitches Too.” The film’s visual effects and set design create a magical atmosphere that immerses viewers in the enchanting world of Coventry. The use of vibrant colors and imaginative details enhances the film’s charm, making it visually appealing for audiences of all ages.

The performances of Tia Mowry-Hardrict and Tamera Mowry-Housley are central to the film’s appeal. Their natural chemistry and comedic timing bring authenticity and warmth to the characters of Alex and Camryn. Kristen Wilson’s portrayal of Queen Miranda adds depth to the narrative, her character’s wisdom and guidance providing emotional grounding and support for the twins’ journey.

The film’s soundtrack and score complement the narrative, adding a sense of adventure and magic to key scenes. The music evokes a sense of wonder and excitement, enhancing the emotional impact of the story. The sound design, with its whimsical and mystical elements, further immerses viewers in the magical world of the film.

Reception and Impact:

With an IMDb rating of 0.5/10, “Twitches Too” has received mixed reviews from audiences and critics. While some may find the film’s storyline predictable and its execution lacking in depth, others appreciate its charming and heartwarming narrative, as well as its positive messages for young viewers. The film’s exploration of themes such as family, identity, and the power of unity resonates with fans of the original movie and new audiences alike.

The film’s portrayal of strong and capable female characters has also been praised for providing positive role models for young viewers. “Twitches Too” encourages audiences to embrace their unique qualities and to value the support of family and friends in overcoming challenges.


“Twitches Too” is a delightful and enchanting family film that continues the magical journey of twin witches Alex and Camryn. With charming performances from Tia Mowry-Hardrict, Tamera Mowry-Housley, and Kristen Wilson, and Stuart Gillard’s whimsical direction, the film offers an entertaining and heartwarming viewing experience.

As Alex and Camryn navigate the challenges of their quest to uncover the truth about their father and balance their magical and mortal lives, “Twitches Too” reminds us of the importance of family, self-discovery, and the power of unity. The film’s positive messages and magical atmosphere make it an enjoyable watch for families and children, despite its mixed reviews.

So, if you’re looking for a feel-good family movie that combines magic, adventure, and heartwarming moments, “Twitches Too” is the perfect choice. Let this enchanting tale take you on a journey through the whimsical world of Coventry, where sisterhood and unity triumph over darkness and uncertainty.