Maggie Fremont Author Archive

Maggie Fremont


Maggie Fremont is a freelance writer who’s been covering TV and film since 2014. Her work can be found on Vulture, Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide, and various other outlets.

  1. overnights
    Grey’s Anatomy Season-Premiere Recap: New Kids on the BlockAn intriguing batch of “bottom of the barrel” interns suggests this show might just pull off the obvious retooling it’s going for.
  2. overnights
    Ghosts Recap: Alberta’s TurnThe female-empowerment vibes are at an all-time high over at the Woodstone B&B.
  3. overnights
    Monarch Recap: A Boy and His BullLuke wanted to impress his father by being good at bull-riding, but everyone involved is better suited to be a rodeo clown.
  4. overnights
    Ghosts Season-Premiere Recap: Life Lessons From the Spice GirlsWelcome back to Woodstone Manor — er, Woodstone B&B!
  5. overnights
    Monarch Recap: A Woman ScornedWe’re only three episodes in and Kayla is already pregnant with her brother-in-law’s child? Monarch’s pacing is wild!
  6. overnights
    Monarch Recap: The Dottie Roman Funeral SpectacularThe Queen of Country says good-bye, and it’s possible that Monarch will be much worse off without her.
  7. overnights
    Monarch Series-Premiere Recap: A Real Barn BurnerHeavy is the head that wears the cowboy hat in this country-music drama starring Susan Sarandon (for this episode, at least).
  8. overnights
    A League of Their Own Season-Finale Recap: The Long Walk HomeIt’s the bottom of the ninth.
  9. overnights
    A League of Their Own Recap: Take Your ShotThings are not going peachy for the Rockford Peaches.
  10. overnights
    Evil Season-Finale Recap: Meet the ParentsIt’s a small miracle Kristen doesn’t barf at the end of this bonkers finale.
  11. overnights
    A League of Their Own Recap: Friends of DorothyFor just a few hours, Rockford, Illinois, turned into a Technicolor Oz.
  12. overnights
    A League of Their Own Recap: So There Is Some Crying in BaseballThey say the line!
  13. overnights
    A League of Their Own Recap: The Adventures of Lieutenant VictoryThe Peaches hit the road while a man heads to war.
  14. overnights
    A League of Their Own Recap: A Taste of VictoryWho’s ready for a new adventure?
  15. overnights
    A League of Their Own Recap: The Crab BoilCasey “Dove” Porter is no Jimmy Dugan.
  16. overnights
    A League of Their Own Series-Premiere Recap: Play BallBatter up! Hear that call! The time has come for one and all…
  17. overnights
    Evil Recap: State of GraceTalk about paying through the nose.
  18. overnights
    Paper Girls Season-Finale Recap: Let’s Do the Time Warp AgainTime loops are a bitch, aren’t they?
  19. overnights
    Paper Girls Recap: That’s Not A CatTiff isn’t buying this version of herself.
  20. overnights
    Evil Recap: Pregnancy ProblemsEvil hits us with another disgusting demon goblin baby that we can never unsee.
  21. overnights
    Paper Girls Recap: The Tiffanys“My poor, time-traveling babies,” indeed!
  22. overnights
    Paper Girls Recap: Party Like It’s 1999A major death and a huge personal revelation can’t compete with the stress of buying tampons for the first time.
  23. overnights
    Paper Girls Recap: Welcome to the UndergroundLest somehow you forgot, when we last saw our paper girls, they were staring up at a giant Transformers-esque robot in a silo.
  24. overnights
    Paper Girls Recap: A Brief History of TimeThere’s a time war raging, complete with a giant robot and … a really emotional moment between siblings?
  25. overnights
    Paper Girls Recap: Let’s Go to the Mall!Four kids time travel from the ’80s to 2019 and learn, with horror, that phone books aren’t even a thing anymore.
  26. overnights
    Paper Girls Series-Premiere Recap: Hell DayFour 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls experience one hell of a story.
  27. overnights
    Evil Recap: In Midsommar TerritoryCults are all fun and games until they start pouring goat blood all over you.
  28. overnights
    Evil Recap: Viral PossessionsEvil goes for the jugular on social media in the best episode of the season.
  29. overnights
    Evil Recap: Head of MisinformationSheryl is in deep now.
  30. lingering questions
    7 Big Questions About That Stranger Things 4 EndingMainly: Is Enzo’s still standing??
  31. overnights
    Evil Recap: Highway to HellThat’s right, baby, Evil is taking us to church court!
  32. overnights
    Stranger Things Season-Finale Recap: The Fourth GateMind fight, mind fight, mind fight!
  33. overnights
    Stranger Things Midseason-Premiere Recap: Father-Daughter DanceIn the aftermath of the big Vecna/Henry/One reveal, the crew scrambles to put its various plans into motion.
  34. reset point
    7 Big Questions About That Umbrella Academy EndingThe Hargreeves siblings may be cool with simply accepting this new reality, but the rest of us have some follow-ups.
  35. overnights
    Evil Recap: Horny As HellA demon in the sheet and a new cryptocurrency? This is literal hell.
  36. overnights
    Evil Recap: It’s Not You, It’s the PriesthoodIf you thought David seemed stressed last week, wait until he starts to work for a super-secret church organization.
  37. overnights
    Evil Season-Premiere Recap: The Weight of PossessionEvil is back and freakier with age.
  38. overnights
    Stranger Things Midseason-Finale Recap: Escape PlansThe midseason finale provides big satisfying answers while also leaving us with several questions to mull over while we wait for Volume 2.
  39. overnights
    Stranger Things Recap: The Shire Is on FireWe (mostly) love Steve getting his big hero moment in the penultimate episode of Volume 1.
  40. overnights
    Stranger Things Recap: This Old HouseWe get a little haunted-house movie in the middle of Stranger Things!
  41. overnights
    Grey’s Anatomy Season-Finale Recap: Hail to the ChiefGrey’s makes the most of its 400-episode history with a finale that resets the game while paying homage to the past in some moving ways.
  42. overnights
    Stranger Things Recap: Running Up That HillThe most Stranger Things needle drop reminds that Kate Bush saves lives.
  43. overnights
    Stranger Things Recap: Making ConnectionsDon’t you love it when our friends start to come together?
  44. overnights
    Stranger Things Recap: Proof of LifeThe gang is having trouble adapting to their new homes.
  45. overnights
    Stranger Things Season-Premiere Recap: Save the CheerleaderThe Duffer Brothers promised a darker version of Stranger Things now that the kids are a little older and, buddies, they aren’t lying.
  46. refresher course
    What Stranger Things Are We Afraid of, Again?As we brace for a fourth round of chaos in Hawkins, let’s review the villains, both otherworldly and human, we’ve met along the way.
  47. timelines
    Everything That Happened on This Is Us in Chronological OrderSix seasons of twisty family drama, untwisted.
  48. overnights
    This Is Us Series-Finale Recap: A Regular SaturdayThis Is Us offers a reassuring handhold and a longing stare out a car window as it bids us farewell.
  49. overnights
    Grey’s Anatomy Recap: We’re Having a Dinner PartyIt turns out Nick Marsh is both an excellent surgeon and has the ability to charm the pants off anyone.
  50. overnights
    This Is Us Recap: One Last RideAs we near the end, this penultimate episode feels like a real gift to the show’s fans.
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