Rebecca Traister Author Archive

Rebecca Traister

  1. 2016 dnc
    Left Is Borrowing Hillary Hate From the RNC“Lock her up” chants at the not-so-unified Democratic National Convention.
  2. the body politic
    Ivanka’s Right About Women, Wrong on Dad’s PlanThe evidence shows Trump himself, and certainly the GOP, wants to return women to a subservient past.
  3. merch
    Q&A With Two Women Buying ‘Hillary Sucks’ ShirtIt was allegedly for a friend.
  4. The Ugly Truth About the RNC: Donald Trump Is Not an OutlierBigotry underlies so many speeches and echoes in the chants and cries of an audience all too eager to embrace sexism, racism, and homophobia.
  5. 2016 rnc
    A Brief, Sad Interview With Rick SantorumCatching up with the failed GOP candidate at the RNC.
  6. early and often
    The Trump Campaign Failed Melania — and Not Just Because of the PlagiarismIf they had actually paid attention to Michelle Obama’s 2008 address, Trump’s speech wouldn’t have been so empty and meaningless.
  7. the body politic
    As Roger Ailes Falls, So Too Does the GOP’s Mask of InclusivityBoth the Republican Party and its media arm are being brought down by the public exposure of the subjugation on which their success was built.
  8. the body politic
    What Mass Killers Really Have in CommonThe horrific connection between terrorism and domestic violence.
  9. the body politic
    What History Teaches Us About Today’s Political and Racial TurmoilThe stew of instability, fear, and hate is chillingly familiar. 
  10. the body politic
    Progressives Should Be Thrilled About Clinton (and Warren)Cheer up, electoral Eeyores.
  11. the body politic
    Why Do Democrats Feel So Much Anxiety?A flailing Trump does not assuage liberal panic in the slightest.
  12. the body politic
    After Orlando, It’s Clearer Than Ever: This Election Is a Civil WarThe battle lines are being drawn.
  13. election 2016
    Did Hillary’s Campaign Have to Be This Hard?There’s nothing simple about this candidacy — or candidate.
  14. early and often
    The Democratic Contest Is Getting NastyThursday’s debate is proof.
  15. election 2016
    The Sanders Campaign’s Sexist New Argument: Hillary Tries Too HardAmbition is only a problem when it shows up in women.
  16. all politics are local
    New York Just Created a Revolutionary New Family-Leave PolicyWomen and men will both be entitled to 12 paid weeks off.
  17. campaign 2016
    Could Hillary Clinton Ever Have Imagined This?The first nominated female candidate against the face of American misogyny.
  18. early and often
    Imagining President Trump: A ConversationNew York Magazine’s team of political writers game out the once-fantastical but now quite possible prospect of a Trump presidency.
  19. cut cover story
    Single Women Are Now the Most Potent Political Force in AmericaThe most powerful voter this year, who in her rapidly increasing numbers has become an entirely new category of citizen, is the single American woman.
  20. cut cover story
    Marcia Clark Is RedeemedWith a push from the O.J. mini-series, the ’90s bogeywoman is set to become a feminist icon.
  21. campaign 2016
    In Iowa, Hillary Shows She’s Learned Something About Running While FemaleIt may work for Bernie, but no one likes a woman who yells loudly about revolution.
  22. cut cover story
    Smirking in the Boys’ Room With Samantha BeeShe’s about to become the first female host of a late-night satirical news show. She wants to make damn sure she’s not the last.
  23. Hillary Clinton’s New Defense of Abortion RightsHer call to repeal the ban on federal funding for abortion is a big deal.
  24. the body politic
    Why Should Wives Have to Answer for Their Husbands’ Behavior?Camille Cosby, Hillary Clinton, and the marital double-bind.
  25. campaign 2016
    The Debate Showed the Democrats at Their BestHillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were knowledgeable, funny, and lightyears ahead of their GOP counterparts.
  26. the body politic
    The Election and the Death Throes of White Male PowerThe rage on the main stage of the debate is just a mirror to what is brewing across the country in the face of extraordinary change.
  27. the body politic
    Why Do We Humanize White Guys Who Kill People?Sorry, black teenagers, women, victims.
  28. How the Planned Parenthood Attack Could Reverse the Politics of AbortionThe Democrats are no longer treating it like a dirty word.
  29. campaign 2016
    The Democrats’ Second Debate Showcased Their WeaknessesThey may be leagues ahead of the Republican candidates, but they still have some serious flaws.
  30. the body politic
    The Bernie Bros vs. the HillarybotsBattling it out on the internet campaign trail.
  31. Why Sex That’s Consensual Can Still Be Bad. And Why We’re Not Talking About It.The game is rigged.
  32. sex on campus
    Why Sex That’s Consensual Can Still Be Bad. And Why We’re Not Talking About It.The game is rigged.
  33. the body politic
    It’s Time for Democrats to Stop Freaking Out About 2016The first debate was great for Hillary fans, Sanders supporters, and the entire party.
  34. the body politic
    Wife of Bernie Sanders Suddenly InvisibleA new profile of Jane Sanders omits all of her professional accomplishments.
  35. the body politic
    Stop Treating Young Women Like DumbbellsWhy do conservatives think they can get away with this? 
  36. the body politic
    Guess What? Americans Love Planned ParenthoodMore than they love either political party or any presidential candidate.
  37. the body politic
    The Muppets Should Not Be Having Sex, PeopleIs Animal an animal in the sack? I don’t want to know.
  38. the body politic
    Why Vanessa Williams Should Ditch Her Crown Once and For All She is the woman whose experience perhaps most dramatically emblematized the Miss America Pageant’s shortsighted double standards.
  39. the body politic
    The Relatable Hillary: What Her Emails Really RevealFrom fax machines to The Good Wife, those mundane exchanges might finally accomplish what the candidate could not: making Clinton relatable. 
  40. the body politic
    Is Joe Biden Getting a Gender Advantage?His record is fairly similar to Hillary Clinton’s, yet he gets all the love — and very little hate.
  41. the body politic
    The Big Secret of Abortion: Women Already Know How It WorksPlanned Parenthood and the truth about women’s bodies.
  42. scotus
    Marriage Equality Is Also a Win for Single PeopleIf only Anthony Kennedy realized that.
  43. On the LineWhy juicy, high-profile sexual-harassment cases aren’t good for feminists.
  44. Costume TraumaHalloween is the wildest holiday—and the most conformist. How to escape it.
  45. Cutting RemarksNavigating the nuances of plastic-surgery conversation.