Photo Illustration: Everett Bogue; Photos: Getty Images, iStockphoto
Another day, another huge disappointment for Hillary Clinton. Just a week ago, we were scared silly by the prospect of the proverbial smoke-filled room. (How were we even going to fit all 796 superdelegates in there?) But after last night’s latest shellacking — soundly and provocatively analyzed by our own John Heilemann — we’re left wondering if this race isn’t already over. If you want to be technical about it, it’s not, and we’ll keep counting the votes until there’s actually a winner (unlike, say, certain state party leaders in Washington state). After all, history’s record of political meltdowns is long (and entertaining), and Obama is in far from an untouchable position. Remember the Dean scream? Macaca? Anything can happen…right?
• Bob Moser says it’s still presumptuous to count Clinton out until we see what happens in Texas and Ohio. [Nation]
• “Richelieu” says Clinton has passed the tipping point and shan’t return, as “the unsinkable Hillary for President operation has succumbed to an iceberg of titanic dimensions.” [Campaign Standard/Weekly Standard]
• Chris Cillizza lays out a four-point plan for Clinton’s resurgence: talk about the economy, make headlines, highlight her support, and overperform in Wisconsin. [Fix/Washington Post]
• Matt Cooper thinks Clinton is still in it but needs to completely reframe the campaign with a new message and new issues. [Capital/Portfolio]
• Marty Peretz calls the latest campaign shake-up the end of “Billaryland” and the beginning of the end for the campaign. [Spine/New Republic]
• Matthew Yglesias isn’t buying it and thinks Clinton is still in a strong position, reminding us that base constituencies still run the show in Democratic primaries. [Atlantic]
• Josh Marshall discusses Howard Fineman’s conclusion on the delegate math: that Hillary can no longer beat Obama in pledged delegates. [Talking Points Memo]
• Dick Morris decrees that the race is over: Hillary has lost her chance, and she won’t get it back. [Real Clear Politics]
• Ben Smith says that even though some Obama supporters are now calling him a “lock,” he agrees with Mike Allen that since nothing in this race has been predictable, who knows what to expect? [Politico] —Dan Amira
For a complete guide to presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — from First Love to Most Embarrassing Gaffe — read the 2008 Electopedia.