Once again, Rupert Murdoch, owner of — among many other things — the generally pro-Mitt Romney Fox News, has taken to Twitter to express displeasure with the Republican nominee. Last week, Murdoch used the social media platform to criticize Romney for “playing it safe” and longed for the days of Rick Santorum, “the only candidate with genuine big vision for country.” Here’s what he had to say this morning:
>Met Romney last week. Tough O Chicago pros will be hard to beat unless he drops old friends from team and hires some real pros. Doubtful.
US election is referendum on Obama, all else pretty minor.
Murdoch also weighed in on Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, their impending divorce, and Scientology, because that is the kind of crazy, gossipy story he truly loves.
Murdoch also weighed in on Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, their impending divorce, and Scientology, because that is the kind of crazy, gossipy story he truly loves.
HuffPoA few hours later, he issued a followup, claiming his mention of Scientology had prompted “hundreds of attacks.” But don’t worry — Rupert’s not backing down, Twitter vitriol or no. He added: “Expect they will increase and get worse and maybe threatening. Still stick to my story.”