Dinesh D’Souza, the president of the Evangelical New York City school King’s College and the right-wing author and director behind the fear-mongering 2016 Obama’s America, has some explaining to do. The Christian magazine World reports today that D’Souza showed up for a speech at a Baptist church last month with someone who was not his wife of twenty years, but a much younger woman, identified as Denise Odie Joseph II. D’Souza reportedly introduced Joseph as his fiancée, and although they shared a hotel room, he assured his conservative colleagues that “nothing happened.”
World has the dirt:
When asked when he had filed for divorce from his wife, Dixie, D’Souza answered, “Recently.”
According to San Diego County (Calif.) Superior Court records, D’Souza filed for divorce only on Oct. 4, the day I spoke with him. Under California law, that starts the clock on a six-month waiting period for divorce. D’Souza on Oct. 4 told me his marriage was “over,” said he “is sure Denise is the one for me,” and said he had “done nothing wrong.”
Still, after facing questions about the rushed arrangement, D’Souza told the magazine, “I have decided to suspend the engagement.”
Another side effect of the unwanted attention? Joseph, whose Facebook says she graduated high school in 2002, has deleted her personal website, formerly known as “I, Denise, Lust After … ” As Buzzfeed noticed, a cached version of the site is still accessible and bears the tagline, “With an Avarice for Accoutrement~ Fashion, Lifestyle, and Socio-Political Opinion Blog.”
Last month, about a week before attending the conference that would out the relationship, Joseph posted a photo of herself posing in Barnes & Noble with D’Souza’s book Obama’s America. Where else could such a thing occur?