It’s no real secret at this point that Obama mega-bundler and Vogue editor Anna Wintour has her designer sunglasses trained on the U.S. Ambassador’s twelve-and-a-half-acre spread in London’s Regent’s Park, except White House officials have already told her to look elsewhere. Today’s New York Times reveals that the mad dash for 30 or so plum ambassadorships is now in full swing, and that the prized slot at the Court of St. James is almost certainly reserved for President Obama’s top 2012 fundraiser (and campaign finance chair) Matthew Barzun. Paris had been considered an obvious fallback option for Wintour, but she is reportedly “no longer seeking the appointment” — despite a State Department insider telling the Daily Mail last month that “Ms. Wintour finds the Paris house and grounds particularly spectacular.” Instead, the French ambassadorship is likely to go to hedge funder Marc Lasry, a staunch Obama ally on Wall Street. So, unless Barzun makes a surprise push for a posting to Myanmar, we can all rest easy knowing Vogue remains in the very capable, manicured hands of Anna Wintour.
Related: Anna Wintour for Ambassador! Ten Good Reasons