The person who brought the world George W. Bush’s shower self-portrait is a hacker going by the name Guccifer, and he (we’re assuming) did not stop there. While relatively new to the Internet mayhem scene, at least under that moniker, Guccifer has made these last few weeks count, also hitting Colin Powell’s Facebook page and now the e-mail account of former Bill Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The Smoking Gun reports that the hacker has “disseminated four recent memos” to the media from Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton about the attack in Benghazi, although his identity and motivations remain murky.
Gawker notes, “He’s targeted both major parties, and it appears that he’s leapfrogging from politco to politico using information gained in each hack, much as ‘Hollywood Hacker’ Christopher Chaney weaseled his way into the accounts of dozens of hollywood starlets, domino-style.” At the time of the Bush family hack, we blamed AOL because “one piece falls and the rest follow. Cracking a second-tier e-mail account, like Dorothy Bush Koch’s, with barely any effort, could have exposed Guccifer to all kinds of private info, including the personal e-mail addresses of other friends and family on which to try the same tricks.” Blumenthal’s compromised address was an AOL account as well.
TSG tracked Guccifer’s IP addresses to Russia, although that could be a feint, and quoted the hacker’s conspiracy-theory vendettas against the likes of the Federal Reserve and the Council of Foreign Relations. “The evil is leading this fucked up world!!!!!! i tell you this the world of tomorrow will be a world free of illuminati or will be no more,” Guccifer wrote.
He’s also targeted “U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski; a senior United Nations official; Rockefeller family members; former FBI agents; security contractors in Iraq; a former Secret Service agent; and John Negroponte, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations,” the Smoking Gun reports. “A majority of these breaches have involved AOL e-mail accounts.” While Guccifer is still running wild, then, the technological lesson for important people behind the times remains.