Eliot Spitzer is still officially married to his wife Silda Wall Spitzer, but rumors that the two were growing apart have been going around since at least the spring, and they’ve reportedly been living apart since the summer. So it’s not exactly a scandal that the former governor and failed candidate for comptroller is now reportedly dating Bill de Blasio spokeswoman Lis Smith, but it sure is good tabloid fodder, as the New York Post and Daily News demonstrated with competing reports on Spitzer’s new romantic life.
Smith, a communications specialist who worked on the Obama 2012 campaign’s “rapid response” team before going to work for Spitzer until his unsuccessful primary campaign ended in September, joined Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio in the final months of his campaign. She continues to represent him during his transition to Gracie Mansion, and has the “inside track” to be named his press secretary, the Daily News reported.
A Post reporter staked out Smith’s apartment last week and saw Spitzer visit twice, each time arriving in the evening and leaving at dawn. The Daily News, meanwhile, reported shortly before the Post’s story dropped that “two people with knowledge of the situation” said Spitzer and Smith were dating.
Then there was the manager of the unnamed “cozy French restaurant” in which the Post’s reporter saw Smith and Spitzer dining by candlelight: The pair “have had almost everything on the menu by now. They come here that often,” he said. “The first time I saw Spitzer, I didn’t know if he was Eliot Spitzer or Anthony Weiner. Those two are like the same exact guy.” Oof. Sounds like one restaurant just lost a couple of steady regulars.