Last week, race-baiting conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza was indicted for violating campaign finance laws. D’Souza has been accused of asking people to donate $20,000 to an unnamed 2012 Senate candidate (most likely his old friend Wendy Long) and then reimbursing them, which is illegal. However, Fox News’s Sean Hannity seems pretty sure that federal prosecutors are only going after D’Souza because he is the director of the crazy anti-Obama documentary 2016: Obama’s America. In a Friday appearance on Hannity’s show, D’Souza certainly didn’t disagree.
Calling his guest “the latest victim to be targeted by the Obama White House,” Hannity asked D’Souza if he thought the indictment was a result of his political beliefs. “Well, I will say that the film 2016 was a film that does seem to have gotten under Obama’s skin,” he began. “I went into Obama’s world and, in a sense, Obama’s mind,” D’Souza said. “And of course we advanced a thesis that here is a traumatized and messed-up guy who is haunted by the dreams of his father.” He concluded, “Whether this is a kind of payback remains to be seen.” Something tells us that D’Souza will decide that the charges are definitely direct payback from the President in time for the release of his new movie this summer, if not way before.