Welcome back to the New York Magazine Competition. On alternate Mondays, we lay out a challenge and offer a sample responses. Enter in the comments section, or on Twitter with the hashtag we’ve provided, and the editors will select a winner. Criteria are highly subjective, but heavily retweeted and favorited posts will have an advantage. The prize is a year’s subscription to New York in print or a two-year subscription to the iPad edition (winner’s choice). Full rules are here.
COMPETITION NO. 23: Add a Letter, Spoil a Snack. Please offer a treat turned un-tasty by the addition of a single letter. For example:
Enter on Twitter with the hashtag #AddaLetterSpoilaSnack, or in the comments thread below, by June 11.
RESULTS OF COMPETITION NO. 22: WHEN PEOPLE GET VERBED, in which you were asked to coin a verb based on the name of a well-known figure.
franco: to attempt to be everywhere but end up nowhere. —@WhatQQsays
tyrion: to liberate suppressed emotions and confront obnoxious family members of greater stature. —Hollygreen
farrow: to reopen old wounds. —BENLINUS99
zuckerberg: to find that a new Facebook feature has made your business obsolete. —@prnaylor
limbaugh: to dance under regressively lower levels of shame. —@JackFlack22
trump: to rank above the other suits. —@DannyGroner
shortz: to entertain thousands of people in bed on Sundays. —jhartarl
jamesdolan: to continually make a bad situation worse. —Periclescrystal
kramer: to neologize verbs from other parts of speech (e.g., “Toss me an apron, let’s bagel!”). —@DanielGalef
apollonia: to be tricked into jumping into a lake that is not the lake you were led to believe it is. —MiddleCoastDan
rove: to debase oneself while targeting another. —Hey_Joe
stiviano: to bite the hand that feeds you. —KimBarget
mika: to report news, disapprovingly. —brooklyner54321
theron: to create confusion over your choice of a romantic partner. —rmtmiller
abramson: to not go quietly. —MC5
koch: to pick up the check at a tea party. —fcabarbie
boehner: to attempt to appear rational by surrounding oneself with crazy people. —RegisMayhem
clarence: to use silence, usually unsuccessfully, as a way of displaying one’s gravitas and concealing one’s shortcomings. —@CBTamarin