If you’re relieved that the midterms are over because it means we can start focusing on 2016, Rand Paul gets it. In a Fox News interview during fellow Kentucky senator Mitch McConnell’s victory party, Paul took a few jabs at Hillary Clinton, saying Alison Lundergan Grimes “tried to disassociate herself from Obama and attach herself to Hillary Clinton. But it turns out Hillary Clinton doesn’t have many coattails in Kentucky.” Early on Wednesday morning, Paul took his gloating online, posting a Facebook gallery of “Hillary’s Losers.”
The album includes meme-ready images of Clinton with failed Democratic Senate candidates Grimes, Bruce Braley, Michelle Nunn, Kay Hagan, Mark Udall, and Mark Pryor:
On Twitter, Paul included Clinton in his dig at President Obama:
And cracked a joke about her book tour:
He also emailed Breitbart News, saying, “Somebody should ask Hillary Democrats why they got wiped out tonight. Clearly, Hillary is yesterday’s news.”
And what were Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Scott Walker up to while Paul was at home trolling Hillary Clinton on the internet? Probably doing something lame like celebrating a hard-won victory with friends and colleagues.