On Saturday afternoon, thousands of people gathered in Washington Square Park to participate in the Millions March NYC. The event, which comes after weeks of protests against the non-indictments of cops Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo, is intended to be a call for justice for Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Akai Gurley, and other victims of police brutality. (Organizers are also calling for special prosecutors to handle future cases involving excessive force or misconduct on the part of the NYPD.) The protesters plan to make their way from Greenwich Village to Herald Square before turning south toward their ultimate destination: NYPD headquarters at One Police Plaza.
Below are some shots of the massive crowd:
You’ll notice that some Santas from this year’s all-but-dead SantaCon have found themselves in the mix. Unfortunately, social-media reports suggest that some of the red-suited drunks are not exactly rising to the occasion:
But then there’s this: