A few days after Scott Walker appeared to tell MSNBC that he thought birthright citizenship should end, the Wisconsin governor explained to CNBC that everyone completely misunderstood what he said. He doesn’t support ending birthright citizenship — a position that has stirred up plenty of controversy for Donald Trump this week — but he doesn’t approve of the idea either — a stance that could make conservative primary voters already feeling “meh” about his campaign even less intrigued.
In fact, he has no opinion on this issue at all.
“I’m not taking a position on it one way or the other,” Walker told CNBC reporter John Harwood. Instead, he would like to talk about securing the border instead — a topic that would not require him to decide if voters would or would not approve of a line edit to the 14th Amendment. After the border is secured to his liking, Walker says we can talk about birthright citizenship.
When Harwood said that Walker, author of the book Unintimidated, appeared to have originally announced support for ending birthright citizenship because he was intimidated by Donald Trump, Walker said this was also an issue that he had no desire to have an opinion about.
“I don’t talk about the guy,” he said. “You guys talk about him. You guys might be intimidated, but I’m not.” Not being intimidated is one of Walker’s favorite things to have an opinion about — not including hot ham, of course. Walker has announced this summer that he is not intimidated by hecklers, protesters, big government union bosses, Democrats, the Republican establishment, or anyone. It is not clear how Walker’s unintimidated apathy on the most-discussed issue of the week will help his campaign; he is currently about 14 percentage points behind He Who Must Not Be Named.