A year ago, when Chris Christie looked like one of the more promising 2016 candidates, he declared that his second term as governor would be his last in New Jersey politics. “The only job left for me to run for is United States Senate, and let me just say this: I would rather die than be in the United States Senate,” he said. But now that he’s polling at about ninth place in the Republican 2016 primary, has he rethought his stance on continuing to serve the people of New Jersey? Nope!
Sunday on This Week, Christie suggested that he could teach the Republican House leadership a thing or two about staying true to conservative principles. “You’re not running for speaker now, are you?” host George Stephanopoulos quipped. “I am not, sir, no,” Christie answered. “I would rather jump off the Brooklyn Bridge than be in Congress.” We can think of a more poetic bridge for him to metaphorically jump from, but point taken.