The cold weather stinks, yes, but cooped-up families can take heart that many great and (mostly) seasonal activities return to the city this week. First up, the big shows are back! Cirque du Soleil returns to Madison Square Garden’s WaMu Theater with Wintuk, the story of a boy’s “quest to find snow and adventure.” Sounds like a familiar city kid’s plaintive query, “Will it snow this year?” Expect Cirque’s signature crazy-to-behold acrobatics and over-the-top theatrics, plus a colorful cast that includes a “mysterious female shaman and a yellow-bellied man.” New to the show this season is a “heart-stopping” trampoline act, puppets, and several story twists. Wintuk is clearly gunning to become a New York holiday tradition. The best-known New York holiday tradition of all—those high-kicking ladies over at Radio City—is also reopening, on November 7. This year’s Christmas Spectacular with the Rockettes will (leggily) fill its own dance shoes with its biggest production yet. If the kids are flipping and kicking after sitting through these two shows and need some space to run, march them west until you hit the Hudson River because (drumroll please) … the Intrepid is back! After a two-year massive face-lift, the actual ship arrived in its West Side berth in early October. Now the museum itself reopens, on November 8, with much fanfare, including bands, tours, and fireworks (best viewed from the flight deck). History, nautical, and military buffs will be in heaven. It will be all the more fun to meander through the many interactive exhibits and ride the crowd-pleasing flight simulator knowing you have a new commander-in-chief-elect.
Cirque du Soleil: Wintuk: 10/29 to 1/4, times vary. WaMu Theater, Madison Square Garden, Seventh Ave. nr. 32nd St.(212-307-7171 or wamuatmsg.com); $40 to $220. Radio City Christmas Spectacular: 11/7 to 12/30, times vary. 1260 Sixth Ave, at 50th St. (212-307-1000 or radiocity.com); $42 to $250. Intrepid: 11/8, see Website for times. Pier 86, 46th St. at 12th Ave. (212-245-0072 or intrepidmuseum.org); free with admission.