The Female Model
Denise Mullins, 21, Code Model Management
Day 1
10:00 A.M. Home
One cup of green tea. I have a call time of eleven, and I know Trew Productions will have nice food backstage.
11: 45 Backstage at Atil Kutoglu
I eat before I go on the runway. They usually have a big vegetable-and-dip spread, sandwiches cut up, a fruit tray, and then a huge tray of sweets chopped in tiny bite-size pieces. It’s not like they’re by any means trying to starve us. I have one massive cup of coffee (skim milk, of course), a handful of grapes, three slices of melon, four pineapple slices, and three Starbucks sample-size pieces of brownie and Rice Krispies treats.
4:30 P.M. Lovely Day Restaurant
One Bloody Mary, salmon with mashed sweet potatoes, one green-tea latte.

9:00 Takahashi
Rock-shrimp tempura, one spicy tuna roll, two pieces salmon sashimi, two pieces tuna sashimi with low-sodium soy sauce. Sodium makes you really bloated. I think the low sodium makes a difference. And anyway, I don’t like the taste of regular soy sauce. About a liter and a half of water throughout the day.
Day 2
11:00 A.M. Home
Cup of green tea.
1:30 P.M. Brunch at Freemans
Three cups of coffee. Split the artichoke-dip appetizer with my boyfriend. Spinach salad (contemplated ordering the dressing on the side, then ordered extra dressing).

6:30 (to about 10:00) Super Bowl Party
I told myself before going I would be good and not indulge in the junk-food buffet. I am a professional, after all! Two red-velvet cupcakes with white-chocolate-cream-cheese frosting, one bowl of chili (without cheese!), one piece of cheesecake with blueberry topping. I managed to pass on the chips and dips, and only had a bite of the pepperoni stromboli, and it was damn good! Throughout the day, drank about a liter and a half of water.
Day 3
10:30 A.M. Home
One cup green tea, one bowl of vanilla low-fat yogurt with oatmeal topped with blueberries.
3:00 P.M. Lunch on the Go
Running around all day to fittings and castings, so no time to stop for lunch. One cashew-cookie Lärabar.
4:00 Backstage at H. Fredriksson Show
Half a cinnamon bagel with cream cheese.

9:00 Stand
Chopped salad (I watched my boyfriend scarf a juicy burger, then wash it down with a milkshake. I was impressed by my willpower), four onion rings (damn it!). About a liter of water throughout the day.
Day 4
10:00 A.M. Home
One bottle Kombucha tea. It’s a fermented Chinese tea. Supposedly it has all of these properties for the immune system, metabolism support, digestion. One apple.
1:45 P.M. Clinton Street Baking Company
Bowl of lobster bisque. I only stared at the biscuit that came with it.
8:00 Cube 63
Two gyoza, one piece scallop (no rice), one spicy scallop roll, one Clinton roll. Again, low-sodium soy sauce. I love sushi. It’s lean protein, it’s good for you. About a liter of water throughout the day.
Day 5
9:00 A.M. Home
One bottle Kombucha tea.
1:00 P.M. Starbucks
Grande soy latte. I do soy milk if I’m at a place that has it. My mom is a nurse, so my parents are into healthy eating. When you’re tired and stressed, you don’t have much of an appetite. So when I drink a big coffee like this, I find it kind of filling. It’ll hold me over until I have a chance to get something to eat.
2:00 Backstage at Cynthia Vincent
Three slices of melon, one massive cup of coffee, half a tomato-and-mozzarella sandwich, two bite-size pieces of a Rice Krispies treat.

7:00 Boyfriend’s House
It was too cold to go out to dinner, so we just ordered in: three pieces of bok choy, four chunks of General Tso’s chicken, one mystery shrimp, half a bowl of brown rice.
9:00 Boyfriend’s House
I needed chocolate! Two bites of a Snickers bar that he has at his place. Generally, I don’t [keep it in the house]. But I usually have some sort of M&Ms in my freezer or something because we all crave sweets—especially girls. About a liter of water throughout the day.
Day 6
10:00 A.M. Home
One bottle of Kombucha tea.

1:30 P.M. Backstage at Myself by Kai Kühne
Two pieces of a veggie roll, one crab cake, a handful of gummy bears, four Tootsie Rolls, a glass of Champagne.
5:00 Café Habana
One margarita after my last show as a kind of celebration. When you leave those shows, you are always on such a high. I had been super-busy the past two weeks with castings and sitting. I was unwinding. It was a crazy two weeks. Two slices of chicken and a cheese quesadilla.
9:30 Momofuku with Friends
One bowl of kimchee stew. Once again, about a liter and a half of water throughout the day.

The Male Model and Personal Trainer
Juris Kupris, 25, Request Models
Day 1
5:30 A.M. Home
Bowl of oatmeal with flaxseeds, banana, skim milk, and a scoop of nonfat Greek yogurt and honey. One glass of water, and a tall cup of black or green tea. I have this meal just to get me out the door. This way I won’t be ravenous a few hours later.
8:30 The Coffee Shop, Union Square
Five-egg-white-tomato-and-spinach omelette with goat cheese and a piece of multigrain toast. One glass of water.
NOON Cafeteria
Turkey meat loaf with Brussels sprouts and sweet-potato mash. One unsweetened iced tea.

3:00 P.M. On a shoot
A few pieces of pork tenderloin and about ten pieces of asparagus as a snack. One espresso.
6:00 Equinox
A protein shake with peanut butter, banana, and spirulina. I like the spirulina because it has phytovitamins. I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma last year, so I’m really big on anti-oxidants and keeping my body clean.
8:00 Home
Whole grilled branzino with wilted kale and fava beans that my wife made. One peppermint tea.

Day 2
5:30 A.M. Home
Big bowl of oatmeal with prunes, raw cashews, banana, and a scoop of fat-free Greek yogurt.
8:30 From Eli’s on the Upper East Side, Eaten on the Run
Multigrain sandwich with fat-free cream cheese, Nova, and scallions. Large English Breakfast tea.
11:00 Running Around Between Training Appointments
I eat a Zone Bar for a snack. Taking healthy snack alternatives with you during the day can help your metabolism and keep your energy high between meals.
2:00 P.M. Lenny’s
Large salad with romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, chickpeas, kidney beans, artichokes, sprouts, and tomatoes.
5:00 My Office on West 86th Street
An apple with some peanut butter. We keep apples and peanut butter in the fridge at the office.
9:15 Sant Ambroeus
Mushroom soup to start. I send the bread basket back with the waiter to avoid filling up on carbs before my meal. Beef brisket for my main course. The brisket is served with wilted kale and thin-sliced potatoes; I limit myself to two potato slices! I split a fruit tart for dessert.
Day 3
6:30 A.M. Home
One cup Kashi cereal with skim milk, blueberries, and a scoop of Greek yogurt.
10:30 The Pump, 21st Street and Broadway
Two high-protein multigrain pancakes with sugar-free syrup and an order of scrambled egg whites with avocado and tomatoes.
1:00 P.M. Office
Total fat-free Greek yogurt with a scoop of peanut butter and a tablespoon of honey. This is one of my favorite snacks when in a rush.
4:00 In the Car on the Way to the Hamptons
I always keep Blue Diamond smoked almonds in the car to snack on, and polish them off with an apple.

6:30 In the Car
Half a Clif bar. This is just to get some carbohydrates before I hit the trails in Montauk for a nighttime mountain-bike ride.
9:15 Suki Zuki in Water Mill
Three pieces of salmon, three pieces of toro sashimi, one tuna sandwich roll. I try to order only one roll and the rest sashimi to stay away from the carbs at night. Asian chicken salad. Asahi beer. I rarely drink. Sometimes I have a beer at the end of the week.

Day 4
8:30 A.M. Hampton Coffee Company
Whole-wheat breakfast burrito with chorizo, black beans, and tomato salsa, and half a glass of grapefruit juice. If you eat the same thing every day, your body adapts to the number of calories you provide it. So if you mix it up, you can rev up your metabolism.
10:30 At the House as I Was Getting Ready for Mountain-Bike Ride
Clif bar and banana.
2:30 P.M. Babette’s in East Hampton
Turkey burger on a multigrain bun with sweet-potato fries and a green salad. I always use mustard instead of mayo or ketchup, which have a lot of fat and sugar. I eat half the fries. Portion control is mandatory for maintaining ideal weight. When ordering sandwiches or burgers, I like to do the fold-over trick with the bun, which involves cutting the burger in half and putting both halves of the meat in the center and only one half of the bun on the top and bottom. It’s a great way to cut down on carbs without sacrificing the taste.
5:00 Home
Smoked-fish spread with Wasa multigrain crackers. This is one of my favorite snacks. Being Latvian, I was brought up with this kind of stuff, so I enjoy it. I add some alfalfa sprouts to the top of the cracker, which is all multigrain and doesn’t have gluten so it doesn’t make you look puffy.
7:00 Dinner Party at a Friend’s House in Water Mill
I avoid the fried appetizers, and enjoy the shrimp and oysters from the raw bar.
8:00 Dinner
Filet mignon with portobello mushrooms and asparagus. I take an extra serving of the mushrooms and asparagus and skip the potatoes. I have a glass of red wine with dinner and a small portion of the five-berry cobbler for dessert minus the ice cream. I allow myself to have a few bites of something I love, but I am careful not to overdo it. Dinner parties are only a food challenge if you allow them to be.

The Show Producer
Nian Fish, 56, Creative Director of Media-Relations Company KCD
Day 1
7:00 A.M. Home
One glass of water with two packs of Emergen-C, Chinese herbs for the immune system, B12, calcium, magnesium. I do herbs and vitamins year-round, but I add in the Emergen-C during Fashion Week because I don’t do drugs. It’s an immune-system booster that gives me energy.
7:15 Home
Mariage Frères Montagne d’Or black tea with honey and soy milk. This is my comfort food. It’s black tea with caffeine and all of these amazing flavors in one beverage. I bring it from Paris. The honey-and-milk is a childhood comfort thing. I’ve been drinking tea since I was 9 years old.
10:00 Studio
Yogurt, granola, fruit. I really need my protein in the morning. I probably eat more regularly during Fashion Week. As long as I have protein in the morning I have energy. Today we had to review 150 looks with [Calvin Klein designer] Francisco Costa and stylist Karl Templer, to get the final 42 that will go in the show. Then we had 150 go-sees to decide the 22 girls who will be in the Calvin Klein show. We also had music meetings and meetings about model pacing, which is how the show is choreographed.
11:00 At the Community Desk Where I Work
Earl Grey tea with honey and soy milk.

1:30 P.M. Studio
Caesar salad with a piece of salmon. As the producer, I call the meal breaks. I like to do traditional lunch somewhere between 1 and 2 p.m. It’s a buffet. We have a caterer devoted to us 24/7. It makes the whole process more efficient.

5:00 Studio
Hot chai with soy milk from Starbucks.
7:30 Studio
Mixed green salad, broccoli rabe. I don’t eat chicken or meat. And there was no fish. I like to call dinner between 7 and 8 p.m. If we work past midnight, I call for another meal because we need the energy.
11:00 Studio
Green tea.
Day 2
6:00 A.M. Home
Daily vitamin routine.
7:00 Home

9:00 Studio
Scrambled eggs, half bagel with butter, Earl Grey tea with honey and milk. This was definitely a treat.
1:30 P.M. Studio
Green salad, swordfish.
4:00 Studio
Hot chai with soy milk.

5:30 Studio
Bottle of water. All the 20-year-olds are eating the chocolate cakes, which I’m sure are delicious, but I can’t do that without crashing.
7:30 Studio
Endive salad, fish.
11:00 Studio
Green tea.
Day 3
7:00 A.M. Home
Daily vitamin routine.
9:00 Cafe Cluny
Oatmeal with dried fruit and walnuts, Earl Grey tea with honey and milk. I had a meeting about the décor for the Council of Fashion Designers of America awards.
11:00 Studio
Bottle of water. Today we have a hair-and-makeup test for the models. Then we review the lighting and set design, and make the final decisions on the outfits.
1:30 P.M. Studio
Green salad, carrot soup.
2:00 Studio
Bottle of water.
4:00 Studio
Hot chai with soy milk.
6:00 Studio
Bottle of water.
7:30 Studio
Green salad, grilled asparagus. I missed protein that day.
10:00 Studio
Bottle of water. I realized I don’t drink enough water.
Green tea.
1:00 A.M. Studio
Bottle of water.
2:00 Studio
Popcorn. I like it because it’s filling, it’s light, and it’s crunchy. Comfort food.
Day 4
8:00 A.M. Home
Daily vitamin routine.
9:00 Studio
Scrambled eggs, half bagel with butter, Earl Grey tea with honey and milk.
11:00 Studio
Bottle of water.
1:30 P.M. Studio
Green salad, mushroom soup.
3:00 Studio
Bottle of water.
4:00 Studio
Hot chai with soy milk.
6:00 Studio
Bottle of water.
7:30 Studio
Green salad, swordfish.
10:00 Studio
Bottle of water.

Green tea.
2:00 A.M. Mexican Takeout at the Studio
Corn tortilla with yellow rice and guacamole. We needed food to keep going. Caffeine was not enough.
3:00 A.M. Studio
Bottle of water.
5:00 Studio
Green tea.
6:00 Studio
Bottle of water.

The Fashion Editor
Anne Slowey, Fashion-News Director and Accessories Editor, Elle
Day 1
7:30 A.M. Home
Two 1,000-mg. Emergen-C with seven mineral ascorbates and 32 mineral complexes, one ounce of Super KMH, Mona Vie (berry extract), aloe juice, chlorophyll, two Nature’s Way Fenu-Thyme, one advance natural FloroMax, three Wellness Formula tablets, twenty drops Super Lysine Plus, two Theraveda Usha daytime stress formula tablets.
10:30 Sant Ambroeus
Milanese eggs and iced skim latte.

2:00 P.M. Patrik Ervell
Bottle of water and glass of white wine.
3:00 Waiting for the United Bamboo Show
4:00 Waiting for the Diane Von Furstenberg Show
5:00 Waiting for the Luella Bartley Show
6:00 Waiting for the Phillip Lim Show
7:00 Waiting for the Tuleh Show

8:30 At a Friend’s London Terrace Apartment Watching TV
Two glasses of red wine, Camembert and crackers, three olives during Prince’s Super Bowl halftime performance.
11:30 Home
Repeat Fenu-Thyme, Wellness Formula tablets, and add Theraveda Nisha nighttime stress formula.
Day 2
7:30 A.M. Home
Daily vitamin routine.
9:30 In Car on Way to Carolina Herrera at the Tents
Iced skim latte.
11:30 Office
Water and green tea.
12:30 P.M. At My Desk
Vegetable soup from Westerly. Water.
3:30 On My Way to the Thakoon Show
Synergy Kombucha drink and an Organic Food Bar.
5:00 Office
Water and green tea.

7:00 Dos Caminos on Park Avenue, Before the Marc Jacobs Show
Two ounces seviche, guacamole and chips, and two Partida Añejos on the rocks with fresh lime.
10:00 Marc Jacobs After-Party
Two glasses of Champagne.
11:30 Home
Daily vitamin routine.
Day 3
7:30 A.M. Home
Daily vitamin routine.
9:30 In the Car on the Way to the Office
Grande iced skim latte.
11:00 Office
Green tea and water.
12:30 P.M. On the Way to the Derek Lam Show
Grande iced skim latte.
2:00 Bottino
Fennel salad, squash soup, hot water with lemon.
3:00 Office
Water and green tea.
4:00 Office
Organic Food Bar and Synergy Kombucha drink.
7:00 In Car to Joe Zee’s Party at DB Bistro Moderne
7:15 DB Bistro
Glass of Champagne and one caviar potato tidbit.
9:00 Narciso Rodriguez After-Party at the Rose Bar in the Gramercy Park Hotel
Two mini meat tidbits and two glasses of Champagne.
11:30 Home
Daily vitamin routine.