In our second men’s fashion section, trend followers will notice that formal, layered dressing continues to be the prime directive. But this season, a relaxed mix-and-match approach replaces Savile Row precision. Don’t sweat the wrinkles, loosen the tie, roll up the sleeves (but tuck in your shirt, please). Our cover model, Liev Schreiber, has his own prescription for chilling out that dovetails nicely with this issue’s food-and-fashion theme. “I love to cook,” he told writer Boris Kachka last week. “It’s what I do to wind down. I made a chicken tagine. You toast the spices in a frying pan until it starts to smoke, and then you mash that up with a mortar and pestle, you add olive oil, and it’s just the most insanely aromatic, flavorful thing.” When he played Orson Welles in RKO 281, Schreiber took a Method approach, which involved a crash course in hedonism. “I read all these books about Orson and things that he ate,” he said. “I tried to eat what he ate, but it was just impossible. The guy would drink two, four bottles of wine a night, a big steak, and whiskey, and he just annihilated himself for food, which is something that I enjoy doing as well. My girlfriend’s got this issue about being seen eating. I just think that it’s terrible that it’s come to that. We bought a slice of pizza and there was this paparazzi and she said, ‘Don’t eat it, because you don’t want to get caught eating in a photograph. He’ll just take a bad photograph when you’ve got your mouth open and a slice of pizza dripping down your chin.” (His girlfriend, by the way, is Naomi Watts.) For more on Schreiber, click here. Fashion worth feasting on starts here.