The fashion business runs deep in Miuccia
Prada's veins, but the former mime performer and political
science PhD seemed an unlikely successor to her family's
luxury leather goods company started by her grandfather
in 1913. Nonetheless, the reluctant Miuccia assumed control
of the Milan-based family business in 1978 and turned
Prada into one of the most exciting names in fashion.
Her sleek, black nylon handbags created a flurry among
fashionistas in 1985 and paved the way for her highly
acclaimed ready-to-wear collection introduced four years
later. Prada's precise, clean lines were embraced by the
fashion elite as well as celebrities such as Uma Thurman,
who turned heads at the 1995 Academy Awards in a dreamy
lavender Prada ensemble. With a less expensive sister
line, Miu Miu as well as boutiques around the world, this
mime gone mogul has an estimated fortune of $1.4 billion
and was recently named by the Wall Street Journal
as one of the 30 Most Powerful Women in Europe.