I assume you’re very outdoorsy.
Yeah, I mountain bike and rock climb and kayak. People think you can’t do those things around here, but it’s like, yo, we live on an island! We’re in the middle of the outdoors!
—Arturo Quiñones

Where are you from?
Paris. I came to the U.S. about twelve years ago to be an au pair. The day before I was supposed to go back I walked into Hugo Boss and was hired on the spot, and I never moved back to France.
—Severine Mervelet

Does having an English accent help you sell clothes?
It helps quite a lot generally in America.
Think it helped you get this job?
No, I think it was my experience. I have Topshop stuff from years and years ago. I can do, like, Topshop vintage.
—Melanie Abrahams (left)

So you must be a yogi?
I’m a dancer and an aerialist, like Cirque du Soleil.
Ever perform in the store?
Sure. I’ll get my gymnast and acrobat friends together, and we’ll get in the store window and do contortions and stuff.
—Sadie Wilhelmi (bottom)

What kind of people work at Muji?
We’re not preppy. We’re very mixed: Cara [at right] is from Hong Kong, I’m from Hawaii. We’re like an arty, indie crowd.
—Jennifer Jones (left)

So is having a tattoo a prerequisite at your store?
Sort of! I have bubbles and stars on my arm, one on the back of my calf, one on my foot, a fish on my ribs …
—Jennifer Mercado (left)

Do you have to look a certain way to get a job at your store?
Well, “on brand” would be the girl with long, natural hair and big eyebrows.
That’s what you look like!
Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m on brand.
—Lily Beck (left)

Ever feel like all that black cramps your style?
We have to wear black, but we don’t have to wear ties.
Ever go wild and wear one anyway?
Every once in a while. I have a fabulous tie collection.
—Mark Tomlin

How do you like working at Quicksilver?
It’s delightful.
We skateboard in the stockroom when we’re on break and stuff; it’s really fun.
—Michael Rosenbach

Besides Madewell, what other store would you consider working at?
Dean & Deluca might be fun for the day. Hello, all those delicious sweet treats. And I could easily pass an afternoon at Saturdays Surf around the corner on Crosby.
—Susan Catty

Do you fraternize with other clerks on Broadway?
Yes, though fraternize is such a strong word.
—Tremaine Romeo (right)