Take Your Kids Public

Need proof that New York public education can be a great deal? Visit P.S. 11 in Clinton Hill, one of the best public schools in Brooklyn. Principal Alonta Wrighton has zeroed in on enrichment activities, “so everything isn’t just chalk and talk.” Kindergartners learn to grow healthy foods through CookShop; first-graders take lessons from the Mark Morris Dance Group; and third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders study music with the New York Philharmonic. This year, 72 percent of students met or exceeded state standards on the English exam, and 87 percent on the math exam. Enrollment is rising—now at 526—but Wrighton says they can accommodate more students. For more fantastic public schools, visit Clara Hemphill’s Insideschools.org.

Annual Savings: $23, 625
(Compared with $23,625 tuition at Saint Ann’s.)

Take Your Kids Public