For: A brisk walk
What: The Walk It Out group, which brings in those ages 50 to 89.
The Jist: Led by elder running legend Sid Howard, the hourlong class involves walking up and down the hills of Marcus Garvey Park.
When and Where: Three times a week at the Harlem Armory (free; 2366 Fifth Ave.; nyrr.org).
For: A slow swim
What: Metropolitan Swimming runs Masters swim clubs—with a recent jump in seniors.
The Jist: Swimmers are divided into lanes by pace level and coached accordingly.
When and Where: Twice weekly at various locations (from $5; metroswimming.org).
For: Light ballet
What: Ballet for the Older Body, which targets anyone over 40.
The Jist: “It’s ballet without the extremes,” says teacher and former Metropolitan Opera Ballet principal Jean Volpe.
When and Where: Weekly at the 92nd St. Y ($207 per semester; 1395 Lexington Ave.; 212-415-5500; 92y.org).
For: Tennis teams
What: The USTA’s Eastern Division runs Metrotennis leagues.
The Jist: Players are grouped by age and ability. Team captains John Hoffman and Fred Derman are popular with 55-plus players.
When and Where: Throughout the city, depending on the team (prices vary; usta.com).
For: Gentle Aikido
What: Aikido martial art appeals to an older crowd thanks to its lack of heavy impact.
The Jist: Run by septuagenarian Shizuo Imaizumi. “It teaches you how to fall,” says black belt Donna Carlson.
When and Where: Daily at Shinbudo Kai ($25 per class; 77 Eighth Ave.; 212-691-1378; shinbudokai.org).
For: Stretching
What: Integral Gentle Yoga class run by instructors like 68-year-old swami Chidananda.
The Jist: The 90-minute session is all about gentle stretching and generous use of the wall for support.
When and Where: Weekly at Integral Yoga Institute ($17 per class; 227 W. 13th St.; 212-691-1378; iyiny.org).
Go Back to School
And brush up on your buber.
For: iPad 101
What: Senior Planet, a Chelsea-based hub that offers a range of free tech classes and support.
The Jist: Everything from tutorials in Excel to longer-term courses like Etsy and e-Commerce for Entrepreneurs.
When and Where: Times vary (free; 127 W. 25th St.; 646-590-0615; seniorplanet.org.)
For: Moby Dick Club
What: The Center for Fiction consistently draws large numbers of retirees.
The Jist: Think informal Moby-Dick book groups, and writing workshops, which run about eight weeks apiece.
When and Where: Times vary (classes from $495; 17 E. 47th St.; 212-755-6710; centerforfiction.org).
For: Intro to Yiddish
What: The Himan Brown Senior Program at the 92Y specifically targets the 60-plus set.
The Jist: Classes in French, Italian, Hebrew, Spanish, and Yiddish, from beginner to conversational.
When and Where: Times vary ($435 annual membership, plus $50 registration fee).
For: Moses meet-ups
What: The New School’s Institute for Retired Professionals offers “study groups.”
The Jist: Past topics include “Fathers in Philip Roth’s World” and “Robert Moses: His Life and Place in History.”
When and Where: Times vary ($638 per semester; newschool.edu/irp).
For: Seniors only
What: Fordham’s College at 60 program offers seniors classes taught by the university’s professors.
The Jist: Courses on topics like love and philosophy; Mathilde Freund, 97, says that class has covered Martin Buber, Kant, and Aristotle.
When and Where: Once a week; locations vary ($400 per course; 212-636-6372; fordham.edu/collegeat60).
For: College classes
What: The Lifelong Learners Program at Columbia allows up to five seniors to audit any class.
The Jist: Vera Silverman says: “You’re right in there with the regular students, but we don’t take exams—it’s the ideal way to learn.”
When and Where: Times and locations vary ($750 per course; 212-854-0419).