Reverend Run, minister, and Angela Simmons, designer
Father and daughter
Reverend Run: “Brooks Brothers broadcloth cotton pajamas. The older I get, the more of a pajama connoisseur I become.” ($99; brooksbrothers.com)
Angela: “A custom pink MacBook, to match my new office in the fashion district.” (MacBook from $1,299; apple.com; for custom color, $499 at colorware.com)

Chrissie Miller, designer, and Leo Fitzpatrick, artist and actor
Girlfriend and boyfriend
Chrissie: “Tickets to the New York City Ballet, followed by dinner at Shun Lee right across the street.” (nycballet.com and shunleewest.com)
Leo: “Danny Brown’s new album, Old. His music motivates me when I’m in the studio.” ($12; iTunes)

Victor Cruz, Giants wide receiver, and J.R. Smith, Knicks shooting guard
Victor: “J.R. and I share a love for hip-hop, so, tickets to the Jay Z concert at the Barclays Center in January.” (Tickets from $41; ticketmaster.com)
J.R.: “Gamma Blue Jordan 11’s, which come out December 21st. Vic’s my only friend who has equal taste in sneakers. I trust him to lace me right.” ($185; nike.com)

Deepak Chopra, author, and Rachel Roy, designerFriends
Deepak: “A monthly unlimited MetroCard. It’s my second favorite way to get around New York, after walking.” ($112; mta.info for details)
Rachel: “A dinner date with Deepak at ABC Kitchen. It’s one of my favorite restaurants in the city—so delicious and fresh.” (Gift cards from $25 at ABC Kitchen, 35 E. 18th St., nr. Broadway)

John Legend, musician, and Chrissy Teigen, model
Husband and wife
John: “There comes a time in a man’s life when he needs to refresh his underwear collection. Boxer briefs, please.” ($25; flintandtinder.com)
Chrissy: “Gwyneth Paltrow’s new cookbook, It’s All Good. I know, I know. But the first one was just so great.” ($22; amazon.com)

John Leguizamo, actor, and Rosie Perez, actress
John: “An electric-blue Model S Tesla. I want to be the poster boy for green cars, so I’d drive it everywhere, whether it’s out to the Hamptons or to my kids’ school.” ($63,570; teslamotors.com)
Rosie: “Tickets to a boxing match. Ringside seats, thank you!” (Ringside tickets at Barclays Center from $292; ticketmaster.com)

Junot Díaz, author, and Edwidge Danticat, author
Junot: “The new translation of Georges, by Alexandre Dumas. It’s one of the few books where he explicitly writes about being mixed race, and this version has a foreword by Jamaica Kincaid.” ($12; amazon.com)
Edwidge: “Vintage Dazzler comic books. I was briefly obsessed with the heroine in junior high. There’s just something about her jumpsuit—and her ability to kick ass!” (From $1.50 at Midtown Comics, 64 Fulton St., nr. Gold St.)

Jared Kushner, real-estate developer and newspaper owner, and Ivanka Trump, real-estate developer and designer
Husband and wife
Jared: “A smoker from the Horizon Smoker Company. Ivanka and I cook together, so we’d both use this often.” ($825; horizonbbqsmokersstore.com)
Ivanka: “Alicia Adams’s alpaca travel set. It’d be a necessary addition to my carry-on bag.” ($288 at aliciaadamsalpaca.com)

Steve Kornacki and Krystal Ball, The Cycle co-hosts
Steve: “A Hartford Whalers jersey from the NHL store. Krystal likes to mock my fashion sense, so here’s a chance for her to contribute to my wardrobe.” ($150 at NHL Store Powered by Reebok, 1185 Sixth Ave., nr. 46th St.)
Krystal: “A yearlong Citi Bike pass, with a helmet. Steve’s converted me into a Citi Bike enthusiast: It’s much more exciting than the subway.” ($95, citibikenyc.com; Bern Allston helmet, $90 at bernunlimited.com)

Jenna Lyons, J. Crew creative director, and Tom Mora, J. Crew head women’s designer
Jenna: “Philip Crangi’s Embedded Hook necklace. It’s a great statement piece but could also look chic layered with other jewelry.” ($4,800; philipcrangi.com)
Tom: “Camouflage shoes by Nike. When I’m brainstorming, running helps me focus, and these would make my mornings more tolerable.” ($90 at Niketown, 6 E. 57th St., nr. Fifth Ave.)

Jack Antonoff, fun. guitarist, and Rachel Antonoff, designer
Jack: “The ‘High As Fuck’ tee Rachel wears everywhere. I don’t get high, but I want my own so I can get the same reaction she does all over the city.” ($18; spencersonline.com)
Rachel: “Charlotte Olympia’s zodiac shoes in Gemini. She is one of the most clever designers out there; plus, how cool is it to have shoes in your birth sign?” ($695 at Charlotte Olympia, 22 E. 65th St., nr. Madison Ave.)

Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff, Newshour co-hosts
Gwen: “Breakfast at The Four Seasons. The delicious eggs are beside the point: The real reason to go is the people-watching.” (Gift cards from $250 at The Four Seasons, 57 E. 57th St., nr. Madison Ave.)
Judy: “Tickets to the Yo-Yo Ma concert at Carnegie Hall in February. Looking forward to the show would get me through the debt-ceiling fights in January and February.” (Tickets from $28 at Carnegie Hall, 881 Seventh Ave., nr. 57th St.)

Phoebe Stephens and Annette Stephens, jewelry designers
Sisters and colleagues
Phoebe: “A supply of Natura Bissé, the most amazing face creams on the market. You see the difference the day after using them.” (Holiday set for $370; shop.naturabisse.com)
Annette: “The Saint Laurent classic baby duffel in navy. It’s elegant without being fussy, and it fits my style.” ($1,250 at Saint Laurent, 3 E. 57th St., nr. Fifth Ave.)

Marcus Samuelsson and Chris Santos, chefs
Marcus: “VIP passes to a Justin Timberlake concert. I saw him earlier this year and was so impressed, I’ve been thinking about how much I’d enjoy it with special treatment.” ($1,500 for VIP packages; vipnation.com. Timberlake plays Madison Square Garden on February 19 and 20.)
Chris: “A gift card to Kitchen Arts & Letters. I collect cookbooks, and they even have out-of-print ones there.” (Kitchen Arts & Letters, 1435 Lexington Ave., at 94th St.)