Bon vivant and man of many trades Nick Gray is hard to pin down, and not just because he is a ball of energy”pun intended. He demonstrated his juggling skills to me the other day in his new one-bedroom apartment in Greenwich Village. In addition to juggling, Gray works for his father’s family business, Flight Display Systems, which manufactures electronic equipment for aircrafts. “It’s my first apartment that I have had all to myself,” Nick said. Its high ceilings are perfect for a juggler. He purchased some furniture from the rental’s previous tenant, but he brought his own baby trampoline. Photo: Wendy Goodman

Nick lives with only the necessary furnishings, including a lightweight dining table and a file cabinet. That giant Post-it is left over from a party game on New Year’s Eve where guests wrote down their resolutions for the upcoming year. The apartment faces south, another bonus. Photo: Wendy Goodman

Nick really lucked out with this place, as not only did he end up with some great modern furniture from the last tenant, but he also has a wood-burning fireplace that works. He inherited the plants, too, and definitely has a green thumb. The Post-it with an X above the fireplace marks the spot where a piece of art will eventually go. Photo: Wendy Goodman

Nick is from Georgia, and moved to New York in 2007 after graduating from Wake Forest University in North Carolina and spending time in India developing a software company called BuddyGopher. He has been in this apartment for just eight weeks, but everywhere you turn there’s another wonderful feature, such as these French doors leading to a small balcony. Photo: Wendy Goodman

This photo showcases two of Nick’s passions. First there’s juggling, which he says he studied as a kid and has been pursuing as an adult. “I posted on Craigslist for a teacher when I got here and found one of the best.” Nick discovered that one of his favorite places in the city is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He takes friends on personal tours during the later hours on Friday and Saturday. You can read more about that on his website. Photo: Wendy Goodman

Nick’s balcony abuts a massive wisteria vine. Photo: Wendy Goodman

His bedroom is just big enough for a bed and a small dressing area. Photo: Wendy Goodman

Just beyond the bed are this mirror and a closet, not shown. Photo: Wendy Goodman

Nick works at this standing desk station he assembled, and like everything in the apartment, it can be easily moved in no time at all. Photo: Wendy Goodman