While the New York Times reports that most viewers found the third presidential debate boring — with the exception of President Obama’s meme-ready talk of bayonets and Battleship — one extremely important American was paying close attention. Earlier this month chronically underemployed former child star Lindsay Lohan said she was supporting Mitt Romney because “employment is really important right now,” but Politico reports that on Monday she retweeted a message from the Obama campaign: “RT if you’re #ProudOfObama as our commander in chief.” Then, securing her position as the nation’s most undecided voter, Lohan deleted the tweet and declared that no one is more stressed about this historic decision than she is. “Nice work to both @BarackObama and @mittromney…” wrote Lohan. “i’m so relieved that its over. Maybe more than both of you..severe anxiety-God Bless xo L.”
Of course, her distress and confusion are understandable. Even fellow fashion icon Glenn Beck was thrown off by tonight’s foreign policy talk. “I am glad to know that mitt agrees with Obama so much. No, really. Why vote?” he lamented on Twitter. Thankfully, Beck quickly came to his senses, realizing that while at times Romney’s policies sounded extremely similar to Obama’s, the president ultimately lost because he’s childish, “mean,” and a “rude bully.”
Yet, it seems Lindsay remains in turmoil. Later in the debate, she responded to President Obama’s crack about Romney’s policies being antiquated. “1920s, 1950s…. ITS ALL THE SAME, History repeats itself…. Only if you let it,” wrote Lindsay, presumably while scribbling furiously on a chalkboard. The starlet has enough to worry about these days, so someone should probably tell her that she probably isn’t registered to vote, and either way, California isn’t exactly a swing state.