Chris Christie’s deep love for Bruce Springsteen is notoriously unrequited, but now the two have finally come together. After rebuffing the Republican governor’s numerous advances, at NBC’s Hurricane Sandy telethon on Friday, the Boss told Christie that he’s proud of the way he’s handled the disaster. “We hugged. He told me, ‘It’s official. We’re friends,’” Christie revealed during a news conference on Monday. Naturally, Christie gushed about the encounter while on the phone with his new BFF, President Obama. “I told the President today actually that the hug was great and when we got home there was a lot of weeping because of the hug,” Christie said. “And the President asked why and I said, ‘To be honest, I was the one who was weeping. Everybody else was fine.’” Little did Christie know, he was in for another magical encounter with his idol. “[Obama] told me that in times of real difficulty that he thought that the only thing better than one Jersey guy were two Jersey guys and he put Bruce Springsteen on the phone,” said Christie.
Springsteen has been campaigning for Obama and happened to be on Air Force One. “Bruce said to me how proud he was of his state and how proud he was of the people in this state and how tough they are and he’ll be back to the Jersey Shore soon,” said Christie. “We had a good conversation today and it was great to talk to the president and even better to talk to Bruce.”
It’s hard to believe Christie is still voting against the guy who helped solidify his relationship with Springsteen after being friends for just one week, but Romney can do a lot for the governor as well. He’s already seriously considered Christie for his VP (only to dump him at the last minute), and he could probably introduce him to Kid Rock.