In Washington, D.C. you never know what scandal will emanate from one little red-light run, as we’re now learning in the case of Michael Crapo, the Republican, Mormon, nominally teetotaling senator from Idaho, who got busted Sunday morning with a DUI. A cop pulled Crapo over in Alexandria, Virginia, after he ran the light, the Associated Press reports. “Crapo failed field sobriety tests and was arrested at about 12:45 a.m. without incident.” He’s now out on $1,000 bail, but his troubles are far from over. Not only is Crapo a senator with a reputation (and re-election) to worry about, he’s a Mormon senator who’s been public about his abstinence from liquor.
It would be pretty tough to explain this one to the constituents, and Crapo isn’t trying. Instead, he’s cut straight to an apology: “I made a mistake for which I apologize to my family, my Idaho constituents and any others who have put their trust in me. I accept total responsibility and will deal with whatever penalty comes my way in this matter. I will also undertake measures to ensure that this circumstance is never repeated.” We still don’t know Crapo’s blood alcohol level or where he had been drinking. But thanks to the intrepid hands at the AP, we don’t have to read any farther than the lede to know how to pronounce the good senator’s name: It’s KRAY’-poh, ok?