Big news in the world of, well, news: Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos has purchased the Washington Post from the Graham family for $250 million. The sale was announced to Post staff not long ago, and they’ve responded on Twitter with shock, sadness, trepidation, and lots of jokes about how much they love Amazon.
Initial staff reaction: Ungghkh.
— Gene Weingarten (@geneweingarten) August 5, 2013
Now my reaction: If Don Graham says this was the right thing to do, I trust him.
— Gene Weingarten (@geneweingarten) August 5, 2013
Well, this is unexpected
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) August 5, 2013
I've bought a lot of stuff from Jeff Bezos's companies so this was really only fair.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) August 5, 2013
Have I mentioned lately how much I love Amazon?
— Cindy Boren (@CindyBoren) August 5, 2013
My question can wait but it involve whether or not Don will still come visit my desk in December wearing that garish Xmas sweater.
— Hank Stuever (@hankstuever) August 5, 2013
Pretty emotional to watch Don Graham announce he is selling The Post. A sad, historic moment.
— Tom Jackman (@stateofnova) August 5, 2013
I guess I haven't been paying attention RT @politicalwire: Anyone really surprised by the Washington Post sale hasn't been paying attention
— The Fix (@TheFix) August 5, 2013
Just putting it out there that I am an enthusiastic Amazon Prime subscriber
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) August 5, 2013
Stunning. The Washington Post has been sold to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos for $250 million.
— Nia-Malika Henderson (@NiaWaPo) August 5, 2013
Guess it may be time to dust off resume? RT @washingtonpost: Washington Post to be sold to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos http://t.co/MdZ3tyowh5
— Gene Wang (@gene_wang) August 5, 2013
*upgrades to Amazon Prime immediately* RT @washingtonpost: Washington Post to be sold to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos http://t.co/MdZ3tyowh5
— Gene Wang (@gene_wang) August 5, 2013
Apparently Jeff Bezos is "here for the right reasons," which is a thing they really respect on "The Bachelor."
— Lindsay Applebaum (@lindsapple) August 5, 2013
I've told countless people over the years, with absolute certainty, that the Graham family would never sell The Washington Post.
— Lindsay Applebaum (@lindsapple) August 5, 2013
Soon, when I have lunch w/ a source, I won't get to say, 'We'll let Don Graham pick up the tab.' And that makes me so goddamn sad.
— Mike DeBonis (@mikedebonis) August 5, 2013
I guess after Keim left, the Graham family decided there was no point anymore.
— Adam Kilgore (@AdamKilgoreWP) August 5, 2013
So, turns out The Washington Post is worth two Jayson Werths.
— Adam Kilgore (@AdamKilgoreWP) August 5, 2013
Whoa. RT @romenesko: The Washington Post has been sold to Jeff Bezos for $250 million.
— James Wagner (@JamesWagnerWP) August 5, 2013
It's so rare at work that you get a "Holy S---" moment.
— monica hesse (@MonicaHesse) August 5, 2013
.@karlaadam actually I have other thoughts going through my head but they're not suitable for twitter
— Michael Birnbaum (@michaelbirnbaum) August 5, 2013
I am floored.
— Michael Birnbaum (@michaelbirnbaum) August 5, 2013
Oh, apparently we're not all getting Kindles tomorrow.
— Lydia DePillis (@lydiadepillis) August 5, 2013
Do I get an Amazon discount now?
— Caitlin Dewey (@caitlindewey) August 5, 2013
Yesterday, I worked for @washingtonpost. Today, I work for ... Amazon?
— Theodore Kim (@TheoTypes) August 5, 2013
— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) August 5, 2013
I want my $70 for Amazon Prime rolled into my subscription.
— Barry Svrluga (@barrysvrluga) August 5, 2013
Maybe I'll move back to Massachusetts and cover the Red Sox for my hometown newspape ... wait.
— Barry Svrluga (@barrysvrluga) August 5, 2013
I wonder if being an Amazon Prime member will have any employment benefits for me. @washingtonpost sold to Jeff Bezos.
— Del Quentin Wilber (@DelWilber) August 5, 2013
— Yuri Victor ♥ (@yurivictor) August 5, 2013
total omfg moment.
— Clinton Yates (@clintonyates) August 5, 2013
If I'm lucky enough to write memoirs, you better believe this day will be an entire chapter.
— Clinton Yates (@clintonyates) August 5, 2013
I hope my new boss doesn't that I found out this news in Powell's books. #gurlimonvacation
— Robert Samuels (@newsbysamuels) August 5, 2013
Reading about this in the Strand.
— Chris _ _ Richards (@Chris__Richards) August 5, 2013
Shut it down (but don't).
— T.J. Ortenzi (@tjortenzi) August 5, 2013
Apropos of nothing: I've always loved Amazon.
— JohnKelly (@JohnKelly) August 5, 2013
I have no idea what the future holds, but the past is crystal clear: The Grahams have been outstanding stewards of The Post and journalism.
— JohnKelly (@JohnKelly) August 5, 2013
Holy moly.
— Emily Ingram (@emilyingram) August 5, 2013
Loyal Amazon customer since 1999! I ordered CDs by Super Furry Animals, Basement Jaxx and David Berman's book pic.twitter.com/eymXs9fuSp
— David Malitz (@malitzd) August 5, 2013
So what happened at your office today?
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlakeWP) August 5, 2013
I would follow the Graham family through the valley of the shadow of death. Which this may be! Or not. Either way, onward.
— Dan Zak (@MrDanZak) August 5, 2013
Bodes well - "Among other investments, Bezos bought a majority stake in http://t.co/xLBvOSFm31 in 1999" http://t.co/OJzfR1IeYF
— Dylan Matthews (@dylanmatt) August 5, 2013
There's no finer boss or steward of good journalism than Don Graham. It was very emotional for staff to hear his & Katharine's speeches.
— Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) August 5, 2013
Every day is an interesting day to work at The Washington Post. Today, a lot more so.
— Joe Heim (@JoeHeim) August 5, 2013
This is a good time to mention, Mr. Bezos, that I own a Kindle, a Kindle Fire, and I am a loyal member of Amazon Prime.
— monica hesse (@MonicaHesse) August 5, 2013
guys I'm a Kindle
— Alexandra Petri (@petridishes) August 5, 2013
I anticipate that large quantities of brown liquor will consumed at the Post Pub tonight. http://t.co/oarF91Stq3
— Neil Irwin (@Neil_Irwin) August 5, 2013
Just stick to your knitting.
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) August 5, 2013
Well, Jeff LOVES shopping and I LOVE shopping. #waposale
— Jura Koncius (@JuraKoncius) August 5, 2013
Our purchase price puts The Washington Post's value at 1/4th that of Instagram.
— Steven Overly (@StevenOverly) August 5, 2013
"It’s doubtful Bezos intends to use the Post to advance Amazon’s legislative goals. But over time, who knows?" http://t.co/OvOuLTOo8W
— brad plumer (@bradplumer) August 5, 2013
"Amazon’s political interests extend across everything from state sales taxes to minimum wage to trade with China." http://t.co/OvOuLTOo8W
— brad plumer (@bradplumer) August 5, 2013
Fun times.
— brad plumer (@bradplumer) August 5, 2013
I'll miss working for Don Graham.
— Wilson Andrews (@wilsonandrews) August 5, 2013
This post has been updated with additional reactions.