The Post, as is its wont, seems to imply that Bill de Blasio was stoned out of his mind when this college yearbook photo was taken — a “far-away gaze” with “bleary, dreary eyes” is how they describe his expression. Certainly, it would not be unheard of for a young college activist like De Blasio (or a young college anybody) to partake in a marijuana cigarette now and then. In fact, De Blasio has acknowledged that he did exactly that.
But that doesn’t mean he’s high in this particular photo. Because it’s also possible that De Blasio, in his youth, simply suffered from Stoned Face.
Stoned Face is a condition that afflicts as many as four Americans each year. Some of its most famous sufferers include former NBA All-Star Tracy Mcgrady and comedian Jim Breuer.

The scientific literature does not indicate whether it’s possible to overcome a case of Stoned Face. Maybe De Blasio was the first ever.