In case you hadn’t noticed, preparation for this snowstorm was pretty serious. The Long Island Expressway and New York State throughway were closed, flights were canceled, the city deployed about 1,700 snow plows to clear the roads, and Governors Chris Christie and Andrew Cuomo declared states of emergency.
On Friday morning, the metro area woke up to about five inches of snow, enough for new Chancellor Carmen Fariña to close all of the city schools for the day. (Dante’s friends will be pleased.) With Manhattan temperatures near the single digits, wind gusts of 35 mph, and a couple more inches expected, it’s a bit rough out there. And yet, some are truly weathering the storm in style.
Bill de Blasio wore his finest to meet with the snow plow crews:
And started Friday morning off with regular guy duties:
But Chirlane warned yesterday that Dante should wake up ready to work as well:
This guy has some remarkably good dance moves, considering the weather:
This Santa Claus snow-fall time lapse is pretty cool:
There’s no such thing as “not ice cream weather”:
Trudging through slush: Surprisingly romantic.

Snow inside the subway is pretty impressive (until commuters have to walk in it).
Trains are running, but the MTA is managing expectations:
The Statue of Liberty still looks good:
Someone knows how to get the New York Post interested:
SoHo unicyclist finds a way to show up snowstorm joggers.

Former New York Times reporter Brian Stelter gets a stern lesson in what working for CNN really means:
The Eastern Seaboard wins points just for standing up under this monster. See Florida poking out there?
Let’s just not call it Hercules, okay?
This post has been updated throughout.