New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s attempts to distance himself from David Wildstein, his high-school classmate and Port Authority appointee who resigned over the George Washington Bridge mess, are not working. “I have had no contact with David Wildstein in a long time, a long time, well before the [November] election,” said Christie at last week’s apology-and-blame fest .”You know, I could probably count on one hand the number of conversations I’ve had with David since he worked at the Port Authority. I did not interact with David.”
Today, however, The Wall Street Journal published a photo of the two smiling together on September 11, the third day of the traffic jam Wildstein set up in Christie’s honor. Maybe it just didn’t come up?
At the same press conference last week, Christie explained that he’s certainly not buddies with Wildstein, despite having met the man in 1977. “David and I were not friends in high school. We were not even acquaintances in high school,” said Christie. “We didn’t travel in the same circles in high school. You know, I was the class president and athlete. I don’t know what David was doing during that period of time.” As The New Republic cleared up, Wildstein was the “baseball statistician” on the Livingston High Lancers, according to team’s former coach. Chris Christie was the catcher.