Although the widely praised Foundation for a Drug-Free World, which boasts that it’s reached more than 14,000 New York City kids, seems like a pretty straightforward, D.A.R.E.-style nonprofit, it’s actually a semi-discreet vehicle for the ideas of L. Ron Hubbard. Surprise, kids — you’re about to be indoctrinated! According to a new report from City Limits, whose reporter observed two recent presentations for outer-borough schoolkids, Drug-Free World is run by two high-ranking local Scientologists and peddles the same unscientific nonsense as the Church of Scientology founder’s books. (It’s website also happens to be terrifying.)
Among the group’s lessons for young, impressionable children is that all drugs, including mushrooms, come with flashbacks. “Ever notice how in the hottest part of summertime how people drive on the B.Q.E.?” goes one of the educators’ canned lines. That’s from flashbacks, he says, echoing Hubbard’s self-help book Clear Body, Clear Mind. (A doctor says, besides LSD, “It’s not accurate.”)
Meanwhile, the Scientologist who funds the group “acknowledges that the New York City chapter of Drug Free World is run by Scientologists out of church headquarters in Times Square, yet denies that Drug Free World is a Scientology program.” That settles it then.