Jeb Bush was speaking to reporters today in Nevada and briefly broke free from the illusion that he is not running for president yet. “I’m running for president in 2016, and the focus is gonna be about how we,” he began an answer, before realizing his error.
Jeb Bush may be acting like a presidential candidate right now, with his frequent pit stops in important primary states, endless appearances in the news, and massive fund-raising apparatus, but he hasn’t actually made anything official.
He’s clearly dying to tell everyone that he knows that they know that he knows that he is running. However, today was not that day. “I’m running for president in 2016, and the focus is gonna be about how we — if I run — how do you create high, sustained economic growth, where more people have a chance at earned success?”
Bush’s face when he amended his announcement to include an “if” was filled with sorrow.

Don’t worry, Jeb. It’s not a big deal. We already knew.