If the Establishment Republican in your life seems to have a spring in his or her step this morning, here’s why: Public Policy Polling’s latest survey shows Donald Trump tanking and Marco Rubio rising.
The Donald has fallen nine points since PPP’s December survey and now leads the Florida senator by just four points nationally, 25 to 21 percent. Rubio does share that second-place slot with Texas senator Ted Cruz, but a tie goes to Marco because:
1. Unlike Cruz, he isn’t hated by a supermajority of the humans who’ve met him.
2. He has more momentum, having gained eight points in support — and 28 points in favorability — since PPP’s last survey in December.
3. In a three-way race with Trump and Cruz, Rubio would be the front-runner, according to PPP.
4. Better shoes.
In New Hampshire, however, Trump’s polling advantage appears to be holding up for now. Since Cruz “stole” Iowa from the mogul, Trump has only seen his support dip two points to 36 percent in the Granite State, according to a UMass Lowell tracking poll. That survey puts Trump 21 points ahead of Marco Rubio, and Cruz slightly behind him in third place.