Earlier this morning Trump campaign aides put out a statement saying Donald Trump’s taped appearance on The Dr. Oz Show Wednesday would not include the results of his recent physical. Instead, the statement said, the show would focus on “health in general, family,” and “well being.”
Either they were lying or Trump went rogue, because the show was taped this afternoon and the Republican candidate for president did indeed reveal the results of his physical.
According to CNN, a campaign spokesperson said that Trump handed Dr. Oz a one-page summary of the exam, which was performed last week by Dr. Harold N. Bornstein, the same guy who spent five minutes writing a ridiculous letter about Trump’s physical fitness a few months back. The information on that sheet is expected to be shared with the public on Thursday, when the Dr. Oz episode with Trump airs.
In addition to the physical results, the show will include the doctor’s findings after conducting a “full review of systems” on Trump. Dr. Oz also spoke to Trump about his physical activity, eating habits, and his plan to lose 15 pounds, among other things.
In the few hours since the taping ended, a handful of details about Trump’s discussion with the doctor have leaked. Among them are: