New Jersey governor Chris Christie visited President-elect Donald Trump at his Bedminster golf course this weekend, pumping just a little life back into speculation that he might not totally be out of the running for a spot in Trump’s administration. But Christie, former GOP presidential candidate and previous Trump transition-team member, does not understand why people and the media aren’t convinced that he’s going to stick out his gubernatorial term, which ends in January 2018. “I’ve been really clear about this since I endorsed Donald back in February that I had every intention then, and I have every intention and belief now … that I’m going to fulfill my term,” Christie said during the “Ask the Governor” segment on NJ101.5 FM. “I don’t know why when I continue to say it people don’t believe it, but I’ve been saying it all along.”
But things would have been different if he were Vice-President-elect Chris Christie. “The only thing I said that I would consider doing was, would he consider me for vice-president,” Christie explained, “and he selected, you know, Governor Pence. Since that time I’ve been saying consistently throughout that I was going to serve the rest of my term, and I’m serving the rest of my term.”
Christie said that he’s reminded Trump that that he wants to finish his term, but if the president-elect were to ask, Christie clarified, “you don’t ever look at the president — at least I don’t — look at a president of the United States and say to them, ‘under no circumstances will I consider anything that you ask me to do.’ But I think that the president-elect understands that I feel like I have an obligation here in the state to complete the term I was elected to.”
Radio host Eric Scott asked if Chistie had gotten a job offer, which the governor refused to answer. “I have every reason to believe that I will be serving here until January 18, 2018,” he promised, again.
But according to Christie, this does not mean that he and Trump are not cool. “There’s never been a cross word between us in terms of our feelings toward each other,” he assured the public. So the rumors that Trump was mad about Bridgegate, or about Christie was a camera hog on Election Night? “Crap,” Christie said. “All crap.”