Just as Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, the official White House website was updated with his portrait and his policies, which include many changes from what the site had said earlier this morning.
Among the first changes noted was the elimination of all mentions of “climate change” and the posting of Trump’s America First Energy Plan. The plan calls for rolling back regulations, including “harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule.” The Climate Action Plan was Barack Obama’s set of policies aimed at combatting the causes of global warming. The plan further says President Trump will tap domestic energy sources while refocusing “the EPA on its essential mission of protecting our air and water.”
Like Trump’s energy plan, his foreign-policy page on WhiteHouse.gov is labeled “America First.” The page promises a “foreign policy focused on American interests and American national security.” That includes building more ships for the Navy while embracing diplomacy. Russia also gets a subtle shout-out.
The website’s sections on LGBT, civil rights, and health-care are nowhere to be found. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re never coming back though. The website for the Domestic Policy Council is also down and we know it’s going to live on in under Trump. He’s already appointed someone to lead it.
Trump White House officials said more information will be added to the site in the coming day and weeks. “The transition of the site is in progress as updates are made,” Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks told the Huffington Post.
Anyway, why speculate on what may be left off the site, when there’s already so much bad stuff on it? For example, it declares the Trump administration a “law-and-order administration,” but misstates crime stats about Washington, D.C. The “Standing Up for Our Law Enforcement Community” section also says the Trump administration will end the “dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America” and casts dissenters as “rioters,” “looters,” and “violent disruptors.”
Bios for Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, and their wives have also been added to the site. Those for the Pences and the First Lady are standard fare, although Melania Trump’s bio does promote her jewelry line by name. Trump’s, on the other hand, is a bit much.
This post has been updated with Hope Hicks’s statement.