Early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump — a man who once used the word bigly in all seriousness — tweeted perhaps his most baffling missive yet, a semi-done tweet that appeared to contain a typo or an autocorrect fail. “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” he tweeted just after 12:00 a.m.

And that was all he wrote. The tweet would later be deleted, but not before six hours had elapsed and a zillion memes had been inspired. Trump would use the word a second time in a follow-up tweet hours later, asking his followers if they could “figure out” what he was trying to say when he typed “covfefe.” (“Coverage.” “Coffee.” “Could somebody get met out of this job?”)
Naturally, the late-night tweet has taken on a life of its own as a meme. The perfect combination of a nonsense word, a very easy joke, and the lovely mental picture that is POTUS firing off half-baked tweets at 12:06 a.m.
Friendly suggestion to the people who are definitely out there doing this right now: You don’t need to create “Make America Covfefe” hats. You really don’t.