Last month, a Quinnipiac University poll found that only 18 percent of New Jersey voters approve of Governor Chris Christie. Somehow, that was an improvement over the 17 percent approval rating he got in February. But then last week his approval rating dipped to its lowest level yet, with only 15 percent of voters giving him a thumbs up, making Christie the least popular governor in any state for at least 20 years.
So how did the former presidential candidate respond? “Who cares?” he told reporters Tuesday after a question about the poll.
You guys care much more about that stuff than I do. I’ve said to you over and over and over again: Poll numbers matter when you’re running for something. When you’re not running for something, they don’t matter a bit. And I don’t care.
Then, to prove he never even thinks about these absolutely meaningless polls, he questioned their veracity.
“All I know is that when I go out to Republican events, I don’t detect that decline,” he said. “I’m not going to get into the minutia of the way the public polls do polling, but I think if the public polling was so accurate, Hillary Clinton would be president.”
Take it from Christie, a man who knows the “minutia” of how public-opinion polls are conducted, which is the true sign of someone who is completely unconcerned with them.