President Trump bragged about his recent performance on a cognitive test at an RNC meeting Thursday, telling the crowd that he’s one of the rare few who can identify drawings of animals. The comments came after Trump booted the media, or “haters” as he called them, from the dinner, which was held at the Trump International Hotel in Washington.
But leakers leak, and Breitbart got the audio of Trump’s speech. “Let me tell you, those last ten questions are hard,” he said, referencing the final third of the test that’s sometimes used to screen for Alzheimer’s and dementia. “There aren’t a lot of people that can do that.” He added that most members of the media couldn’t pass the test.
Trump was almost certainly joking. One of the last ten questions asks test takers to identify the similarity between a train and a bicycle, and Trump isn’t so deranged to think that’s a world-class brainteaser. Right?
Trump also bragged about his physical fitness, telling the crowd that doctors asked him to run on a treadmill for five minutes and he made it to nine, when he decided to stop. “I said, ‘What do I have to prove?’” he said. “I’m telling you, I could have gone much longer.”