We know President Trump has been busy this past week on the international front — imposing tariffs, bustin’ up the G7, insulting Canadians, and then, of course, saving the world from a nuclear holocaust along with his new and very close friend Kim Jung-un.
But still, you’d think he would have been given a reminder by staff at some point that there are five states holding primaries on June 12, with several red-hot GOP contests where fidelity to MAGA is a major issue.
Maybe whoever is in charge of this sort of thing finally got through to him, or perhaps frantic phone calls were placed from campaign offices. But in any event, on the afternoon of June 12, Trump is suddenly tweeting new endorsements:
At least the Laxalt tweet came out no later than halfway through Nevada’s election day. The Arrington nod was at 4:12 p.m. ET, less than three hours before the polls close in South Carolina. If either of them lose narrowly, they’ll have to wonder whether it might have made a difference if the MAGA people in their jurisdictions had known about the Big Man’s wishes before an awful lot of them had already voted (or skipped the primary altogether).
What Trump lost in punctuality on Arrington’s behalf he did make up for partially by being on message. Her campaign is basically one long reminder of Sanford’s defining scandal as governor of his state: his extended absence from Columbia in the arms of a paramour when he was supposedly hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Perhaps Trump will make a few more endorsements for the benefit of late voters elsewhere. But he must understand now that the president of the United States cannot act like a lazy campaign worker putting up forgotten yard signs late on Election Night and expect no one to notice.