Jack Dorsey is the founder and CEO of Twitter. Maybe you’ve heard of him. Maybe you’ve even wished you could be him. Well, with a little (reader, it’s not that little) money and patience — most of the things on this list are back-ordered due to Dorsey’s recommendations — you can be. (For an estimated total of around $8,000.) A recent piece from Nellie Bowles at the New York Times says Dorsey is to tech what Gwyneth Paltrow, queen of Goop, is to wellness. It details the stuff, from beverages to weeks spent in total silence, you can purchase for yourself to be a little bit more like Dorsey. We’ve also included a few additional items, also Dorsey-approved, that we think really round out the list. Happy shopping!
An Oura Ring
The Oura Ring is a sleep and activity tracker endorsed by Dorsey. (An endorseyment, if you will.) Oura calls it a “secret weapon for personal improvement.” Prices start at $299 and go up to $999. It contains infrared LEDs, an NTC body-temperature sensor, and a 3-D accelerometer and gyroscope. All very important to a good night’s rest, obviously. “We’re just really glad he’s spreading the message,” Harpreet Rai, the company’s CEO said.
A Personal Near-Infrared Sauna
A Faraday cage, er, uh, tent, but it’ll also make you sweat. For $5,499, but not available till July, the SaunaSpace personal near-infrared sauna “purports to block electromagnetic transmissions” creating “your very own EMF-free ancestral space,” according to the Times. The $5,499 price tag is actually for the company’s Faraday 2.0 model (which includes a new “grounding mat” that offers “earthing benefits.”), a modified version of its first product. The original retailed for $7,499 and, since he already owns one and has talked about it publicly, is likely what Dorsey owns. If you give SaunaSpace your email, you’ll be entered to win a $300 gift card, so it could really be a bargain in the end.
A Silent Meditation Retreat
Prices vary by retreat location and duration
Vipassana is Dorsey’s preferred method of meditation. “I’ve more or less kept up the practice of two hours … a day,” Dorsey said on the Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss and Performance podcast. “If you can just get ten minutes, and sometimes that’s all I can find, that’s what I do.” He’s also a fan of extended silent retreats. He spent ten days in Myanmar in 2018 to celebrate his birthday, sans music, talking, or eye contact. “Meditation is often thought of as calming, relaxing, and a detox of all the noise in the world. That’s not vipassana,” Dorsey tweeted. “It’s extremely painful and demanding physical and mental work. I wasn’t expecting any of that my first time last year. Even tougher this year as I went deeper.” A four-day retreat at Spirit Rock, a meditation center near San Francisco, will run you anywhere from $600 to $1,300, assuming you can get in. “A recent silent meditation retreat at Spirit Rock … was completely full, with about 100 attendees — plus 603 people on the wait-list,” the Times notes.
Some Salt Juice
$13.77 for a five-pound bag of Himalayan salt
An excellent option if you’re looking to be Dorsey on a budget. Salt juice is basically what it sounds like. It’s … water with lemon and salt. (Specifically Himalayan salt, if you want to get technical. I hope the pink stuff I bought at Trader Joe’s is sufficient. It was cheap.) Dorsey starts off each day with a glass of salt juice and also encourages Twitter staff to do the same. Drink up!
A Nose Ring
$15 for a pack of three in stainless steel, plus the cost of the actual act of piercing
Nothing says I’m worth $5.2 billion dollars but a chill $5.2 billion like a nose piercing. Dorsey got his in June of 2018. The same day he tweeted a picture of his face, but now with one additional hole in it, Square and Twitter’s stock prices both rose, 1.9 percent and 3.4 percent, respectively. Dorsey said this was “not causal” but, hey, can’t hurt to try one yourself and see.
A Meeting With the President of the United States