Feeding off President Trump’s Twitter screed before the Mueller hearing, his attorney Rudy Giuliani, known for his brazen and frequently unhelpful TV appearances, went on Fox & Friends to energetically attack the former special counsel. He called Mueller an “idiot,” called Democrats “idiots,” and called the special counsel investigation a “witch hunt, which is falling apart.”
For no one’s benefit, he also provided a one-note impersonation of the special counsel.
Showing off a recent overhaul of his hair color, the revved-up Giuliani breezed through common Republican doubts in the special counsel investigation, and forwarded that a “conspiracy to blame Donald Trump Jr., which probably began as early as December of 2015, was hatched somewhere in Washington, transmitted to the U.K, transmitted to the Ukrainian embassy in Kiev, with the participation of people in the State Department. I know their names. I’ve got transcripts of it.” And perhaps he got too excited, almost swearing on cable television at eight in the morning which you can watch here:
GIULIANI: He doesn’t pay much attention to it — he was the Wizard of Oz; he’s behind a curtain. From then on, it was, ‘We’ll take it to Bob. We’ll ask Bob.’ After a while, I would say, ‘Don’t bother.’ I mean, you guys are deciding, don’t bullsh–, don’t tell me.
Correction: This post originally stated that Giuliani had cursed on air. In a phone call, Giuliani disputed this, saying he caught himself before getting the full word out. We regret the error.