Donald Trump Jr. went on Fox News last week and showed off his utter lack of self-awareness by criticizing Hunter Biden for profiting off of Joe Biden’s role as vice-president.
On Saturday, his brother tried to outdo him. Eric Trump, also on Fox News, criticized “every” family that goes into politics and tries to profit from it.
“Why is it that every family goes into politics and enriches themselves?” Trump asked Jeanine Pirro after he attacked Democrats for the two qualities most closely associated with is father: arrogance and dishonesty.
Eric Trump’s accusation of corruption against every political family but his own is hard to fathom if you live in the real world and see the Trump family’s near-daily graft and corruption. But as he showed in his next comment, Eric Trump doesn’t live in the real world. “We stopped doing deals when my father … went into politics,” he said. “All these kids, they started doing deals when their family went into politics. And it’s sickening.”
Jump to 2:20 in the video for the key quote.
It’s hard to imagine that Trump believes the words coming out of his own mouth. His claim that the Trump Organization “stopped doing deals” when Donald Trump went into politics is so demonstrably false that the evidence contradicting it is available on the younger Trump’s own Twitter feed. Since Trump took office, the Trump Organization has done business in Ireland, Indonesia, and Scotland, among many other places.
The timing of Eric Trump’s critique is particularly galling coming just days after the White House announced plans to hold the 2020 G7 summit at a Trump-owned resort in Florida. The summit would have brought seven world leaders, hundreds of their handlers, and global media attention to the Trump National Doral. But criticism from Democrats and Republicans, none of whom bought the claim that the hotel would not benefit from the summit, led Trump to back down. He announced Saturday that the summit will be held elsewhere, but he was still feeling cranky about it Monday.