President Trump shared a video on Sunday in which a supporter in The Villages, a Florida senior community that has long been a conservative stronghold, shouted “white power” at anti-Trump protesters. The video captures a rancorous rolling confrontation between Trump supporters in golf carts and a group of protesters. Shortly after the video begins, one of the golf-carting supporters, in the midst of angrily yelling at the protesters, raises his hand and shouts “white power” at them — apparently sarcastically.
After widespread attention to the “white power” moment, Trump later deleted the tweet and a White House spokesperson subsequently claimed that “President Trump is a big fan of The Villages. He did not hear the one statement made on the video. What he did see was tremendous enthusiasm from his many supporters.”
Here is the video Trump shared, in which the “white power” shouting is hard to miss:
“Thank you to the great people of The Villages,” the president said as he retweeted the video, which was shared by a user on Twitter who opposes him. “The Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats will Fall in the Fall,” Trump continued.
In addition to the problematic-at-best “white power” moment, the video highlights the distressing mutual vitriol between the protesters and the pro-Trump golf-carters as the neighbors scream at each other. Last week, the president made it clear he didn’t have much of an idea as to what he would do during his second term if reelected. On Sunday, he highlighted a sad video of what those four additional years would undoubtedly continue to be like as if it were an endorsement. It’s not clear why he, his campaign, or anyone else thinks this present or that future is something anybody is or should be enthusiastic about.