Last week, the New York Post reported that city psychics are seeing a significant increase in demand. Clearly, in uncertain times, people seek answers. We asked 100 astrologers, clairvoyants, and other seers from across the country how their businesses have fared this year — and what their clients want to know.
What are your clients most curious about?
The self: 34%
Relationships: 33%
Career: 20%
Money: 6%
Health: 5%
Politics: 2%
And what are they most worried about?
Their families: 57%
The economy: 27%
COVID-19: 8%
The 2020 election: 7%
“The calls tend to be frantic. People absolutely tearing their hair out being with their loved ones 24/7. They’re asking questions about how to deal with their kids. We’re not therapists, but we fill that role.” —Mary Miller, clairvoyant tarot reader
And what do they want advice on?
Changing jobs: 82%
Moving away: 58%
Having kids: 13%
Adopting a pet: 7%
Are you telling them it’s a good time to change careers?
Yes: 71%
Or to fall in love?
Yes: 70%
Has a client tried to connect with a loved one they can’t see in person?
Yes: 61%
Has a client tried to connect with a loved one who died of COVID?
Yes: 41%
How’s business, compared to this time last year?
Better: 50%
Worse: 15%
About the same: 35%
“Summers are usually slow. This year I am overbooked.” —Amy Utsman, psychic medium
“From New York, Georgia, Florida, and California. Between Los Angeles and Boca Raton. It’s phone call after phone call.” —Stephanie Miller, psychic
When was the last time you had this much interest?
• Boston Marathon bombing
• 9/11
• 2016 election
• 2009 recession
Do you think your powers have grown during this period of introspection?
Yes: 58%
“I’m not a super-woo-woo person, but there has never been a time when we have needed more healing and love on this planet than right now.”—Suzie Kerr Wright, astrologer, tarot reader, and psychic medium
Are you seeing clients in person?
No: 75%
“I’m only doing telephone readings for now, and I’ve reduced my rate so I can help more people.”—Valerie Morrison, psychic medium
“I’ve been doing more IGTV videos on Instagram.” —Elana Kilkenny, intuitive counselor and sacred-space designer
“I’m offering Zoom-group tarot readings.” —Maisy, tarot reader
“I hired a PR person and starting a Facebook Live series” —Marylee Trettenero, psychic-intuitive medium
“I’m doing online psychic-fair events.” —Nancy Smith, psychic medium
Can you tell if a client has COVID-19?
Yes: 40%
No: 60%
And While We Have You …
Who will win the 2020 election?
Biden: 53%
Trump: 47%
“I heard, intuitively, that the vice-president takes over the White House and it will be very conservative. I thought it meant Biden, but unfortunately the message repeated ‘very conservative,’ as in, Pence.” —Joan Carra, psychic medium
“I see a female image holding the ‘bow of authority.’ Makes me think that Kamala — not really Biden, but Kamala — may draw the votes and win.” —Elaine Clayton, psychic-intuitive medium
“How would you describe winning the election? Getting the most votes? That may not help. Be prepared for an October surprise.” —Fahrusha, psychic
Will Trump go to prison?
No: 48%
“Nearly, until an outside force interferes.”: 44%
Yes: 8%
“I organized a panel of astrologers for the Great American Eclipse at the Edgar Cayce Center in NYC. All the panelists saw Trump leaving office either due to health or a forced departure.” —Joan Carra, psychic medium
When will we go back to movie theaters en masse?
Next year: 67%
In two years: 19%
This year: 9%
Never: 5%
Will Rihanna finally drop her R9 album this year?
Yes: 37%
No: 63%
What else do you expect to happen in the next six months?
“With Mars in retrograde and a variety of other transits coming up, the next six months are going to be just as turbulent as the last.”—Maisy, tarot reader
“China is more in the news (not good news: threats).”—Cheryl Murphy, psychic and evidential medium
“We are having a Pluto Return as a country, and the upheaval is deep and painful. Pluto is ruthless in its quest for the truth and authenticity. The more we resist, the more difficult things will get and the more delayed positive change will be. We need to lay low for the next five months.” —Suzie Kerr Wright, astrologer, tarot reader, and psychic medium
“Big volcanic eruption that kills many. Massive hurricane worse than Sandy.” —Andrew Anderson, psychic medium
*This article appears in the August 17, 2020, issue of New York Magazine. Subscribe Now!