This is an unprecedented, emotionally charged election year by any measure. Joe Biden and Donald Trump aren’t just offering vastly different policies, but different personalities, worldviews, and divergent directions for the country. Voters will also decide who controls the Senate, select state and local officials, and weigh in on countless other issues via ballot initiatives. And as it has with almost every other aspect of our lives this year, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on the campaigns, political process, and voting itself. November 3 is fast approaching, but for many Americans, including New Yorkers as of this past weekend, Election Day is already underway as a historic number of voters cast their ballots by mail or at early voting locations.
Over the summer, we published “Scenes From Your Pandemic,” a series featuring reader-submitted images of their lives under coronavirus lockdown. Now, we are hoping you’ll also share “Scenes From Your Election Day” — photos that show us what your election experience is like. These could be images from waiting in line to get into your polling place; what you wore to vote (or how you showed off your “I voted” sticker); a selfie capturing your emotions after casting your ballot; or how you and your community are preparing for this election. What have you noticed? What do you want us — and your fellow New York readers — to see? After all, it’s your publication, too.
There is only one important caveat: Please do not send in photos of your or anyone else’s completed ballot, or images from inside your polling place, as these images are banned in many states — including New York.
This is not a photography contest; anyone can participate. We just want to see and share what the election looks like from your eyes.
You can share your photos by emailing them to us at [email protected]. We will go through your images and compile and publish them as often as we can — including throughout Election Day and Night.