Longtime Fox News anchor Chris Wallace announced during Sunday’s Fox News Sunday broadcast that he is leaving the network, effective immediately.
“After 18 years, this is my final Fox News Sunday. It is the last time — and I say this with real sadness — we will meet like this,” Wallace said at the end of the weekly news show. “Eighteen years ago, the bosses here at Fox promised me they would never interfere with a guest I booked or a question I asked. And they kept that promise. I have been free to report to the best of my ability, to cover the stories I think are important, to hold our country’s leaders to account. It’s been a great ride.”
He added that he was leaving because “I want to try something new, to go beyond politics to all the things I’m interested in. I’m ready for a new adventure and I hope you’ll check it out.’’ Wallace didn’t provide any details on that “new adventure” at the time but later announced he will be jumping to CNN Plus, a new streaming service slated to launch early next year: “After decades in broadcast and cable news, I am excited to explore the world of streaming. I look forward to the new freedom and flexibility streaming affords in interviewing major figures across the news landscape — and finding new ways to tell stories,” said Wallace.
“We are extremely proud of our journalism and the stellar team that Chris Wallace was a part of for 18 years. The legacy of Fox News Sunday will continue with our star journalists, many of whom will rotate in the position until a permanent host is named,” Fox News Media said in a statement.