Brooklyn Biscuits - Appetizers - New York Magazine

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Home > Restaurants > Recipes > Brooklyn Biscuits

Brooklyn Biscuits

Provided by: Chef Harry Hawk
Served at: Burger Shack & Bar

  • Type of Dish: Appetizers, Sides
  • Cuisine: American
  • Special Requests: Kid-Friendly, Quick and Easy
  • Reader Rating: Write a Review

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� lbs. self-rising flour
� lbs. sour cream
� tsp. dried basil (or herbs and spices of choice)
2 c. canola oil


Mix self-rising flour and sour cream, along with basil. Combine ingredients and roll out on flour board. Cut dough into equal amount of squares. Bake for 8 minutes at 300. Remove from oven and cool. Note: Biscuits should be white and only partially cooked. When ready to serve, deep-fry for about 45 seconds until they are GBD (golden brown and delicious). (Published 2008)