J. Lindeberg - - Soho - New York Store & Shopping Guide

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J. Lindeberg

126 Spring St., New York, NY 10012 40.723739 -74.00035
at Greene St.  See Map | Subway Directions Hopstop Popup
212-625-9403 Send to Phone

  • Reader Rating: Write a Review
  • Price Range: ($$) Mid-Range
  • Type: Boutique
  • Products & Services: Men's Suits, Menswear
Photo by Konstantin Sergeyev

Official Website



Mon-Sat, 11am-7:30pm; Sun, noon-7pm

Nearby Subway Stops

N, R at Prince St.; C, E at Spring St.

Payment Methods

American Express, Diners Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa

Product Guide


  • Men's Suits
  • Menswear


Swedish fashion designer Johan Lindeberg�co-creator of the Diesel brand�has lofty ambitions: He aims to "change the world, not only in the way we dress, but also in the way we think." To a passer-by of his small and relatively unassuming shop, this statement is fairly absurd. Can simple gray slacks be an earth-stopping fashion statement? Probably not. But simplicity has its own wide appeal, evidenced by the dozens of Lindeberg shops and boutiques across the globe�and to the rock’n’roll savvy that matched Depeche Mode and actress/singer Juliette Lewis to Lindeberg’s designs. Lindeberg's high-quality basics provide men with a large selection of suits and button-down shirts, with a few well-tailored surprises; for women, slacks and strapless tops blend understatement and skin. Solid colors predominate, but look closely: You might find the occasional extravagance�bright pink waterproof pants, anyone?�hiding between the business-casual and dinner-party attire.

Formal Wear

This Stockholm-based designer is known for the lean, flattering silhouettes of his suit jackets. A lightweight, peaked-lapel one-button suit will set the groom-to-be back about $800.


At the end of summer and winter, you'll find all designs marked down 30% or more